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[SAFE] Update Dependencies Python/JS - Minor/Patch

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
lockFileMaintenance All locks refreshed
core-js dependencies minor 3.26.0 -> 3.26.1
css-loader devDependencies patch 6.7.1 -> 6.7.2
stylelint (source) devDependencies minor 14.14.1 -> 14.15.0

🔧 This Merge Request updates lock files to use the latest dependency versions.

Release Notes



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  • Disabled forced replacing of Array.fromAsync since it's on Stage 3
  • Avoiding a check of the target in the internal function-uncurry-this helper where it's not required - minor optimization and preventing problems in some broken environments, a workaround of #​1141
  • V8 will not ship Array.prototype.{ group, groupToMap } in V8 ~ Chromium 108, proposal-array-grouping/44


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  • Fixed regression with an error on reuse of some built-in methods from another realm, #​1133


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  • Added a workaround of a Nashorn bug with Function.prototype.{ call, apply, bind } on string methods, #​1128
  • Updated lists of [Serializable] and [Transferable] objects in the structuredClone polyfill. Mainly, for better error messages if polyfilling of cloning such types is impossible
  • Array.prototype.{ group, groupToMap } marked as supported from V8 ~ Chromium 108
  • Added Electron 22 compat data mapping


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  • Forced polyfilling of Array.prototype.groupToMap in the pure version for returning wrapped Map instances
  • Fixed existence of Array.prototype.{ findLast, findLastIndex } in /stage/4 entry
  • Added Opera Android 71 compat data mapping
  • Some stylistic changes


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  • Considering document.all as a callable in some missed cases
  • Added Safari 16.0 compat data
  • Added iOS Safari 16.0 compat data mapping
  • Fixed some ancient iOS Safari versions compat data mapping


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  • Added some fixes and workarounds of FF30- typed arrays bug that does not properly convert objects to numbers
  • Added sideEffects field to core-js-pure package.json for better tree shaking, #​1117
  • Dropped semver dependency from core-js-compat
    • semver package (ironically) added a breaking change and dropped NodeJS 8 support in the minor 7.1 version, after that semver in core-js-compat was pinned to 7.0 since for avoiding breaking changes it should support NodeJS 8. However, since core-js-compat is usually used with other packages that use semver dependency, it causes multiple duplication of semver in dependencies. So I decided to remove semver dependency and replace it with a couple of simple helpers.
  • Added Bun 0.1.6-0.1.11 compat data
  • Added Deno 1.25 compat data mapping
  • Updated Electron 21 compat data mapping
  • Some stylistic changes, minor fixes, and improvements


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  • Added Object.prototype.__proto__ polyfill
    • It's optional, legacy, and in some cases (mainly because of developers' mistakes) can cause problems, but some libraries depend on it, and most code can't work without the proper libraries' ecosystem
    • Only for modern engines where this feature is missed (like Deno), it's not installed in IE10- since here we have no proper way setting of the prototype
    • Without fixes of early implementations where it's not an accessor since those fixes are impossible
    • Only for the global version
  • Considering document.all as an object in some missed cases, see ECMAScript Annex B 3.6
  • Avoiding unnecessary promise creation and validation result in %WrapForValid(Async)IteratorPrototype%.return, proposal-iterator-helpers/215
  • Fixed omitting the result of proxing .return in %IteratorHelperPrototype%.return, #​1116
  • Fixed the order creation of properties of iteration result object of some iterators (value should be created before done)
  • Fixed some cases of Safari < 13 bug - silent on non-writable array .length setting
  • Fixed ArrayBuffer.length in V8 ~ Chrome 27-
  • Relaxed condition of re-usage native WeakMap for internal states with multiple core-js copies
  • Availability cloning of FileList in the structuredClone polyfill extended to some more old engines versions
  • Some stylistic changes and minor fixes
  • Throwing a TypeError in core-js-compat / core-js-builder in case of passing invalid module names / filters for avoiding unexpected result, related to #​1115
  • Added missed NodeJS 13.2 to esmodules core-js-compat / core-js-builder target
  • Added Electron 21 compat data mapping
  • Added Oculus Browser 23.0 compat data mapping


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  • NodeJS is ignored in IS_BROWSER detection to avoid a false positive with jsdom, #​1110
  • Fixed detection of @@&#8203;species support in Promise in some old engines
  • { Array, %TypedArray% }.prototype.{ findLast, findLastIndex } marked as shipped in FF104
  • Added iOS Safari 15.6 compat data mapping
  • Fixed Opera 15 compat data mapping


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  • Fixed a typo in the structuredClone feature detection, #​1106
  • Added Opera Android 70 compat data mapping


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  • Added a workaround of the Bun ~ 0.1.1 bug that define some globals with incorrect property descriptors and that causes a crash of core-js
  • Added a fix of the FF103+ structuredClone bugs (1774866 (fixed in FF104) and 1777321 (still not fixed)) that now can clone errors, but .stack of the clone is an empty string
  • Fixed { Map, WeakMap }.prototype.emplace logic, #​1102
  • Fixed order of errors throwing on iterator helpers


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  • Avoided creation of extra properties for the handling of %TypedArray% constructors in new methods, #​1092 (comment)
  • Added Deno 1.23 compat data mapping


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  • Fixed possible error on multiple core-js copies, #​1091
  • Added v flag to RegExp.prototype.flags implementation in case if current V8 bugs will not be fixed before this flag implementation


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  • Array find from last moved to the stable ES, according to June 2022 TC39 meeting:
    • Array.prototype.findLast
    • Array.prototype.findLastIndex
    • %TypedArray%.prototype.findLast
    • %TypedArray%.prototype.findLastIndex
  • Methods from the Array grouping proposal renamed, according to June 2022 TC39 meeting:
    • Array.prototype.groupBy ->
    • Array.prototype.groupByToMap -> Array.prototype.groupToMap
  • Changed the order of operations in %TypedArray%.prototype.with following proposal-change-array-by-copy/86, according to June 2022 TC39 meeting
  • Decorator Metadata proposal extracted from Decorators proposal as a separate stage 2 proposal, according to March 2022 TC39 meeting, Symbol.metadataKey replaces Symbol.metadata
  • Added Array.prototype.push polyfill with some fixes for modern engines
  • Added Array.prototype.unshift polyfill with some fixes for modern engines
  • Fixed a bug in the order of getting flags in RegExp.prototype.flags in the actual version of V8
  • Fixed property descriptors of some Math and Number constants
  • Added a workaround of V8 ArrayBufferDetaching protector cell invalidation and performance degradation on structuredClone feature detection, one more case of #​679
  • Added detection of NodeJS bug in structuredClone that can not clone DOMException (just in case for future versions that will fix other issues)
  • Compat data:
    • Added NodeJS 18.3 compat data mapping
    • Added and fixed Deno 1.22 and 1.21 compat data mapping
    • Added Opera Android 69 compat data mapping
    • Updated Electron 20.0 compat data mapping


Compare Source

  • Fixed possible multiple call of ToBigInt / ToNumber conversion of the argument passed to %TypedArray%.prototype.fill in V8 ~ Chrome < 59, Safari < 14.1, FF < 55, Edge <=18
  • Fixed some cases of DeletePropertyOrThrow in IE9-
  • Fixed the kind of error (TypeError instead of Error) on incorrect exec result in RegExp.prototype.test polyfill
  • Fixed dependencies of { actual, full, features }/typed-array/at entries
  • Added Electron 20.0 compat data mapping
  • Added iOS Safari 15.5 compat data mapping
  • Refactoring


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  • Added a workaround for V8 ~ Chrome 53 bug with non-writable prototype of some methods, #​1083


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  • Fixed possible double call of ToNumber conversion on arguments of Math.{ fround, trunc } polyfills
  • Array.prototype.includes marked as fixed in FF102


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  • Ensured that polyfilled constructors .prototype is non-writable
  • Ensured that polyfilled methods .prototype is not defined
  • Added detection and fix of a V8 ~ Chrome <103 bug of struturedClone that returns null if cloned object contains multiple references to one error


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  • Ensured proper .length of polyfilled functions even in compressed code (excepting some ancient engines)
  • Ensured proper .name of polyfilled accessors (excepting some ancient engines)
  • Ensured proper source / ToString conversion of polyfilled accessors
  • Actualized Rhino compat data
  • Refactoring


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  • Added a fix for FF99+ Array.prototype.includes broken on sparse arrays


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  • Fixed URLSearchParams in IE8- that was broken in the previous release
  • Fixed __lookupGetter__ entries


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  • Improved some cases of RegExp flags handling
  • Prevented experimental warning in NodeJS ~ 18.0 on detection fetch API
  • Added NodeJS 18.0 compat data


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  • Change Array by copy proposal:
    • Moved to Stage 3, March TC39 meeting
    • Disabled forced replacement and added /actual/ entry points for methods from this proposal
    • Array.prototype.toSpliced throws a TypeError instead of RangeError if the result length is more than MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, proposal-change-array-by-copy/70
  • Added some more atob / btoa fixes:
    • NodeJS <17.9 atob does not ignore spaces, node/42530
    • Actual NodeJS atob does not validate encoding, node/42646
    • FF26- implementation does not properly convert argument to string
    • IE / Edge <16 implementation have wrong arity
  • Added /full/ namespace as the replacement for /features/ since it's more descriptive in context of the rest namespaces (/es//stable//actual//full/)
  • Avoided propagation of removed parts of proposals to upper stages. For example, %TypedArray%.prototype.groupBy was removed from the Array grouping proposal a long time ago. We can't completely remove this method since it's a breaking change. But this proposal has been promoted to stage 3 - so the proposal should be promoted without this method, this method should not be available in /actual/ entries - but it should be available in early-stage entries to avoid breakage.
  • Significant internal refactoring and splitting of modules (but without exposing to public API since it will be a breaking change - it will be exposed in the next major version)
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed work of non-standard V8 Error features with wrapped Error constructors, #​1061
    • null and undefined allowed as the second argument of structuredClone, #​1056
  • Tooling:
    • Stabilized proposals are filtered out from the core-js-compat -> core-js-builder -> core-js-bundle output. That mean that if the output contains, for example, es.object.has-own, the legacy reference to it, esnext.object.has-own, no longer added.
    • Aligned modules filters of core-js-builder and core-js-compat, now it's modules and exclude options
    • Added support of entry points, modules, regexes, and arrays of them to those filters
    • Missed targets option of core-js-compat means that the targets filter just will not be applied, so the result will contain modules required for all possible engines
  • Compat data:
    • .stack property on DOMException marked as supported from Deno 1.15
    • Added Deno 1.21 compat data mapping
    • Added Electron 19.0 and updated 18.0 compat data mapping
    • Added Samsung Internet 17.0 compat data mapping
    • Added Opera Android 68 compat data mapping


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  • Fixed: declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties false positives for inherit keyword (#​6419) (@​kimulaco).
  • Fixed: shorthand-property-no-redundant-values message to be consistent (#​6417) (@​fpetrakov).
  • Fixed: unit-no-unknown false positives for *vi & *vb viewport units (#​6428) (@​sidverma32).


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  • Added: ignoreAfterCombinators: [] to selector-max-universal (#​6275).
  • Fixed: createPlugin type definition (#​6264).
  • Fixed: alpha-value-notation false negatives for SVG properties (#​6284).
  • Fixed: keyframes-name-pattern false positives for interpolation (#​6265).
  • Fixed: selector-nested-pattern end positions (#​6259).
  • Fixed: selector-no-qualifying-type message, positions, and false positives (#​6260).
  • Fixed: selector-no-vendor-prefix end positions (#​6261).
  • Fixed: selector-pseudo-class-allowed-list end positions and message (#​6262).
  • Fixed: selector-pseudo-class-disallowed-list end positions and message (#​6263).
  • Fixed: selector-pseudo-element-allowed-list end positions and message (#​6270).
  • Fixed: selector-pseudo-element-disallowed-list end positions and message (#​6270).
  • Fixed: shorthand-property-no-redundant-values message (#​6272).
  • Fixed: time-min-milliseconds end positions (#​6273).


Compare Source

  • Added: rule metadata to public LinterResult API (#​6166).
  • Added: longhand sub-properties of shorthand properties reference data to public API (#​6168).
  • Added: meta.fixable property to each rule (#​6181).
  • Added: support for loading custom formatter from package (#​6228).
  • Added: annotation-no-unknown rule (#​6155).
  • Added: keyframe-selector-notation rule (#​6164).
  • Added: percentage-unless-within-keyword-only-block primary option to keyframe-selector-notation (#​6194).
  • Added: github formatter (#​6150).
  • Added: tally to string and verbose formatters (#​6153).
  • Added: fixable status to verbose and github formatters (#​6183).
  • Added: invalid rule primary option message for false (#​6250).
  • Fixed: exit code when nothing is passed to stylelint command (#​6175).
  • Fixed: rule message function type to not require users to handle all kind of arguments (#​6147).
  • Fixed: at-rule-* end positions (#​6163).
  • Fixed: declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties end positions (#​6219).
  • Fixed: declaration-property-value-allowed-list false positives for multiple match (#​6190).
  • Fixed: declaration-property-value-disallowed-list false negatives for multiple match (#​6188).
  • Fixed: named-grid-areas-no-invalid end positions (#​6205).
  • Fixed: no-descending-specificity false positives for pseudo-classes (#​6195).
  • Fixed: no-unknown-animations end positions (#​6221).
  • Fixed: no-unknown-animations false positives for SCSS interpolation (#​6185).
  • Fixed: number-max-precision end positions (#​6184).
  • Fixed: property-* end positions (#​6174).
  • Fixed: rule-selector-property-disallowed-list end positions (#​6222).
  • Fixed: selector-attribute-name-disallowed-list end positions (#​6223).
  • Fixed: selector-attribute-operator-allowed-list end positions (#​6224).
  • Fixed: selector-attribute-operator-disallowed-list end positions (#​6225).
  • Fixed: selector-attribute-quotes end positions (#​6226).
  • Fixed: selector-class-pattern end positions (#​6227).
  • Fixed: selector-combinator-allowed-list and selector-combinator-disallowed-list end positions (#​6229).
  • Fixed: selector-disallowed-list end positions (#​6230).
  • Fixed: selector-id-pattern end positions (#​6231).
  • Fixed: selector-not-notation end positions (#​6201).
  • Fixed: selector-pseudo-element-colon-notation end positions (#​6235).
  • Fixed: string-no-newline end positions (#​6218).
  • Fixed: unit-* start and end positions (#​6169).
  • Fixed: value-no-vendor-prefix end positions (#​6173).


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  • Fixed: selector-max-specificity false positives for :nth-child (#​6140).


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  • Added: import-notation rule (#​6102).
  • Fixed: no-duplicate-selectors false positives for SCSS/Less nested interpolations (#​6118).
  • Fixed: no-descending-specificity and selector-max-specificity false positives for :is() and :where() (#​6131).


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  • Fixed: no-duplicate-selectors false positives with Less syntax (#​6111).


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  • Fixed: no-duplicate-selectors error with non-standard selectors (#​6106).


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  • Fixed: at-rule-no-unknown false positives for @layer (#​6093).
  • Fixed: length-zero-no-unit autofix for .0 values (#​6098).
  • Fixed: media-feature-name-no-unknown false positives for display-mode (#​6073).
  • Fixed: no-descending-specificity end positions (#​6049).
  • Fixed: no-duplicate-* end positions (#​6047).
  • Fixed: no-invalid-* end positions (#​6072).
  • Fixed: no-invalid-position-at-import-rule false positives for @layer (#​6094).


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  • Fixed: function-calc-no-unspaced-operator false positives for non-standard variables (#​6053).
  • Fixed: selector-*-no-unknown end positions (#​6046).


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  • Fixed: declaration-block-no-* end positions that avoid errors (#​6040).
  • Fixed: function-calc-no-unspaced-operator false positives and memory leak (#​6045).
  • Fixed: named-grid-areas-no-invalid false positives for arealess templates (#​6042).


Compare Source

  • Added: keyframe-block-no-duplicate-selectors rule (#​6024).
  • Added: property-*-list support for vendor prefixes (#​6025).
  • Fixed: at-rule-*-list end positions (#​6032).
  • Fixed: at-rule-no-unknown end positions (#​6026).
  • Fixed: function-linear-gradient-no-nonstandard-direction false negative about -ms-linear-gradient (#​6031).
  • Fixed: function-no-unknown end positions (#​6038).
  • Fixed: property-no-unknown end positions (#​6039).


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  • Fixed: a regression for /* stylelint-disable */ comments (#​6018).
  • Fixed: font-family-name-quotes false positives for ui-* generic system font keywords (#​6017).


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  • Added: ranges for warnings that can be used by formatters and integrations (#​5725).
  • Added: selector-not-notation rule (#​5975).
  • Fixed: font-weight-notation false positives for Sass functions and column position (#​6005).


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