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Update 'uniffi-rs' to version 0.28.0

This merge request updates uniffi-rs to version 0.28.0 and closes #64


  • Bindings copied from uniffi-rs and adapted to work in kotlin multiplatform

Changes to the build-logic plugin:

  • uniffi.toml can now be configured in both, generateFromUdl and generateFromLibrary

Other changes:

  • bump kotlinx-atomicfu from 0.23.2 to 0.24.0
  • examples/**/Cargo.toml update uniffi version to 0.28.0
  • tests/**/Cargo.toml update uniffi version to 0.28.0
  • tests/**/uniffi.toml is now needed to specify the package name
  • CoverallTest.kt run garbage collector between tests and at some specific points. This is needed to produce deterministic behavior on native targets
  • tests/**/ fix formatting and fix compile warnings

Merge request reports