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Value Management Challenge Updates

What do we think about this version of the ValueManagement challenge?

I've pared back the starting point code from the current version. As Jason Crispell pointed out in his submission, much of the work of describing the form/field/validation relationship was already implemented and the only work needed to cover the challenge's acceptance criteria was in writing a few validation rules. This was mostly due to the desire to provide a working example of form validation in the provided playground.

However, I've still given some partial concrete implementations to give candidates a jumping off point. The first iteration of this challenge only provided the abstract protocols as a starting point. Hopefully this will be enough to make clear that they need to stick with using generics without needing to piece that together themselves.

With this iteration, i'm hoping that candidates can identify and implement the following:

  • Define the Form and Field types without subclassing the existing Value generic class
  • The Rule type is updated to be externally configurable
  • The Value type is updated to actually validate it's boxed value
  • Values can only be validated using rules that operate on the same generic type, preferably implemented in a protocol extension
  • Implement as many field types and rules as possible
Edited by Josh O'Steen

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