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    The BFG9060 is an advanced processor card for the Amiga 3000 and 4000, both tower and desktop models.

    It's been developed by Matthias 'Matze' Heinrichs, and he has made all source and production files available in his gitlab repository

    Thank you for this great card, Matze!!





    BFG9060 Top BFG9060 Bottom

    Purpose of this repository

    Matze's repository is aimed towards the technically experienced user who wants to build and/or maintain the card.

    This repository should be seen as a manual for the end user.

    Besides features, installation, and basic troubleshooting of the card, it describes a way to upgrade the card's firmware without the need for expensive programming equipment.




    Now for the BFG9060...


    Technical Specification
    Voltage and Temperature Monitoring
    Updating the Flash RAM
    Updating the Firmware

    Technical Specification

    • Support for Motorola/Freescale 68060 and 68040 Processors
    • 128 MB of DMA-capable Fast RAM with record-setting access speed
    • CPU temperature and voltage monitoring via I²C
    • F0 ROM that enables the use of the card in machines with Kickstart/AmigaOS 3.1 without further modification
    • Overclocking capability up to 100 MHz with full 68060 Rev. 6 CPUs
    • Onboard 5V header to connect a CPU fan


    Before you start, make sure that you:

    • Are calm and not in a hurry
    • Have a flat surface, e.g., a table and some sheets of expendable paper, e.g., an old newspaper at hand

    As a precaution against static electricity, prior to working with exposed electronic devices always ground yourself, e.g., by touching a blank (not painted) section of the heating pipe in your house.

    To start, power off the Amiga, pull the plug, and open the case. If applicable, remove the installed processor card.

    Jumper Settings

    Next, you will have to set some jumpers.

    Mainboard Jumpers

    The BFG9060 uses the internal 25 MHz clock provided by your Amiga, and all clock-related jumpers on the mainboard have to be set accordingly.

    Amiga 3000 (Desktop and Tower) / AA3000 / AA3000+

    Quad Clock
    Board Clock
    CPU Clock
    1-2 (25 MHz) 2-3 (INT) 3-4 (ON) 1-2 (INT)

    Amiga 4000 (Desktop and Tower)

    CLK90 Clock Source
    CPU Clock
    1-2 (INT) 1-2 (INT)

    BFG9060 Jumpers

    The BFG9060 has two user-settable jumper blocks,

    BFG9060 JP1
    BFG9060 JP3

    JP1 determines the frequency at which the card is operating. It consists of two jumpers, S0 and S1, each of which has three contact points, 0, M, and 1.
    (Note the markings S0 0-M-1 and S1 0-M-1 on the board.)

    Both jumpers can have three different settings:

    • 0-M the small jumper shunt bridges contact points 0 and M
    • M-1 the small jumper shunt bridges contact points M and 1
    • Open all three contact points are left open, i.e. no jumper shunt is connected

    The following table shows how JP1 has to be set for the supported effective CPU frequencies.
    Note that the frequencies differ between 68060 and 68040 CPUs. The 68040 divides the set frequency by 2 internally, thus the effective frequency is always half that of the 68060 with the same setting of JP1.

    68060 CPU 68040 CPU S0 S1 Notes
    25 MHz 12.5 MHz 0-M M-1 the BFG9060's Fast RAM will not be usable at this frequency
    50 MHz 25 MHz M-1 M-1 "default" setting - start here with a new card
    75 MHz 37.5 MHz Open 0-M works with some 68060 and 68040 CPUs, your mileage may vary
    100 MHz 50 MHz M-1 0-M tolerant 68060 Rev. 6 ONLY - USE COOLING!

    JP3 activates the voltage and temperature monitoring functions of the card.
    See below in the section Voltage and Temperature Monitoring on how to utilize this feature.
    As a general rule, both jumpers of jumper block JP3 should be bridged for normal operation.

    Inserting and Removing the CPU

    BFG9060 CPU
    BFG9060 with CPU

    To insert the CPU:

    1. Put some protective layers of expendable paper, e.g., a newspaper at the edge of your table.
    2. Put the BFG9060 on this paper stack with the KEL connector overhanging the table, such that the underside of the card is lying flat on the paper.
    3. Carefully put the CPU on top of the socket. Mind the orientation pin in the lower right corner that is missing on both the CPU and the socket. There's a marker on the CPU, usually a triangle or round dot. This should point towards the front left of the CPU socket.
    4. Gently press down on two opposite corners with your thumbs. The CPU should slide easily a short way into the socket. If you feel strong resistance, check the CPU for bent pins. If a pin is bent, grab it with a pair of tweezers and gently align it with the other pins.
    5. Once the CPU has been inserted a little into the socket and all pins are aligned, press down on the CPU with your palm until the CPU is fully inserted into the socket. Note that you may need to apply some serious force to accomplish this.

    Should you ever need to remove the CPU again, get a PGA puller
    PGA Puller

    Start by inserting the "comb" at the front of the card between the CPU and its socket, pry the CPU a bit up, insert the tool from the opposite side, pry again slightly, and work your way around the CPU, leveraging it up ever so slightly from alternating sides, so no pins get bent. When prying, be careful not to press on any surrounding components.
    If you have problems inserting the tool for the first time because of the tight space between the CPU and its socket, insert only two or three of the prongs in the front right corner of the socket (where the missing pin is) and widen the gap by gently prying.

    Connecting a CPU fan

    The BFG9060 offers a 5V header to connect a CPU fan. It has the correct pinout to connect a standard 3-pin PC fan.

    If you look at the card with the KEL connector facing away from you, the pin connections are as follows (ordered from the pin nearest to you to the one furthest away):
    Pin 1 - GND - usually the black wire on a fan.
    Pin 2 - +5V - usually the red wire.
    Pin 3 - not connected - whatever is connected here on your fan won't do anything.

    Thus, to connect a two pin fan, you can just leave pin 3 disconnected:

    Fan Header 3-Pin

    If you bought your BFG9060 from me, it might have only a 2-pin header. You can either connect a 2-pin fan or a 3-pin fan as shown here:

    Fan Header 2-Pin

    I am often asked for a recommendation on what fan to use. I personally prefer the Adda AP0512LX-J90. This is a 12V fan-cooler-combination which runs nice and quiet on 5V. It should be fixed to the CPU by double-sided thermal adhesive pads or tape.

    Installing the Card in your Amiga

    If not already there, put nylon standoffs/spacers in the four holes near your Amiga's mainboard KEL connector.

    Align the card with the standoffs and the mainboard KEL connector and press it down. It should slide in relatively easy at first. For the last few millimeters, take some layers of cloth or paper or a pencil eraser to protect yourself from the soldered pins of the card's KEL connector and push the card all the way down.

    Note: If you are just testing the card for the first time, you can leave out the nylon spacers. They should be added once you finally reassemble your machine.

    After installing the card, give it a test drive. Plug in the power cable of your Amiga, connect monitor, mouse, and keyboard, and flip the power switch.

    The power LED should change from dim to bright after about a second, and your Amiga should show a Kickstart screen or boot shortly afterwards.

    If it doesn't, DON'T PANIC, see the Troubleshooting section.

    Installing the Processor Libraries

    To support all features of your BFG9060 and to get the best performance, you MUST now install the appropriate libraries for your processor.

    Download MMULib from Aminet. Extract the archive, start the Installer, and choose the following installation options:


    MuFastROM will henceforth accelerate your system even further by copying the contents of your Kickstart ROM to the fast memory on your BFG9060.

    Hint: DON'T USE PHASE5 or APOLLO 680x0 LIBRARIES! These are specifically tailored to their respective cards. Your system will behave erratically.

    Using the Voltage and Temperature Monitoring

    The BFG9060 includes a sensor that constantly monitors:

    • The temperature of the CPU core
    • The voltages present on the card, in particular the 5V input coming from the power supply and the 3.3V generated on the card to feed the 68060 CPU and the logic chips

    To see (and react on) these values, you need additional hardware:

    • An I²C controller card, e.g., the CPLDICY by Henryk 'buggs' Richter
    • Two Dupont female-female jumper wires (s.b.)

    The latter look like this
    Dupont Jumper Wires
    and can be ordered from various internet shops. Just make sure the ones you order are long enough and have female connectors on both ends (as seen in the picture).

    Install the I²C controller in your Amiga and connect the SDA and SCL lines of one of its I²C connectors with the respective connection points of JP2 in the front center of your BFG9060. Note that it usually doesn't matter which one of the I²C connectors on your controller card you choose.

    Install the i2clib40 package from Aminet.
    Download the i2csensors.library and the simplesensors tool from the sensors directory of Henryk Richter's git repository.

    Copy i2csensors.library to Libs:, the contents of devs/sensors to Devs:Sensors, and simplesensors to C: on your Amiaga.

    Afterwards, typing


    in the CLI of your Amiga will show you the temperature and voltages that are measured on your BFG9060. Note that most I²C cards available have a voltage and temperature sensor as well, thus some values may appear to be 'doubled'.

    Most important are LTC2990 Temperature°Core and LTC2990 Voltage VCore that show the temperature and voltage values "inside" the CPU.

    Once simplesensors works, you can use Sensei, a tool that displays the measurements on your Workbench screen.

    For your convenience, I put all necessary tools and libraries in the disk image BFG9060.adf. i2clib40.lha as found on Aminet is inside the I2C directory, i2csensors.library is in Libs, the sensor definitions are in Devs/Sensors, the sensei.lha archive can be found in Tool, and simplesensors in C.

    Updating the Flash RAM (F0 ROM)

    The BFG9060 has a flash RAM chip with a capacity of 512 kB. It's the socketed rectangular chip in the 'upper right' corner of the card, right next to the processor.

    Note: The flash RAM does NOT hold the firmware of the card. See below on how to update the firmware. There is also an explanation on how to distinguish between the flash RAM and the firmware.

    A small amount of the chip's capacity is reserved for the boot code that:

    • Displays some flickering colorbars at startup to show that the card is alive
    • Adds a delay upon startup to give Zorro cards like the ZZ9000 time to initialize
    • Disables the FPU of the 68060 processor to make it compatible with Kickstart 2.0, 3.0, and 3.1
    • Configures the card to show up in the expansion list with ID 2588:60

    The flash RAM contents can be altered from within AmigaOS, and the flash can also be used to store Kickstart modules that would otherwise be loaded from disk. For newer OS versions, the most prominent are icon.library and workbench.library.

    This is accomplished by a tool called FlashBFGCLI that is available from Matze's git repository.

    By using the latest version of the tool you automatically ensure that your card is updated to the latest boot code.

    If you just want to update the boot code, you simply run the tool from an AmigaOS CLI prompt without additional parameters:


    If you want to put icon.library and workbench.library in the flash, you run:

    FlashBFGCI libs:icon.library libs:workbench.library

    Afterwards, you can delete libs:icon.library and libs:workbench.library. Note that, no matter which modules you let FlashBFGCLI write to the flash RAM, the boot code is updated as well.

    To make transferring the tool to your Amiga more convenient, I created an .adf disk image with the most recent version of FlashBFGCLI: BFG9060.adf

    FlashBFGCLI is located in the C directory on the disk. Its documentation is in the Doc directory.

    Updating the Firmware

    On the BFG9060 you will find two square chips with Xilinx inscribed on them.

    These chips hold the firmware of the board.

    NB: To distinguish between the firmware and the flash RAM, here's an explanation:

    • The firmware is like a simultaneous translator between the processor, the RAM, and the Amiga. It is always there and does its job.
    • The flash RAM is like a hard disk. Its contents are read right after your Amiga has started, and (simply speaking) it's just a bunch of programs that are executed by the 68060 or 68040 processor on the card.

    There are several valid ways to update the firmware. I will describe a single one of them that can be executed by anyone who owns a Raspberry PI.

    Here's what you need:

    • A Raspberry PI. Which model you use is not important.
    • A strong 5V power supply for the Raspberry PI. A modern smartphone charger should deliver enough juice. Note that, besides the Raspberry PI, this will have to power parts of the BFG9060 in the process.
    • A microSD card. A small one (minimum size 2 GB) will suffice.
    • 6 female-female Dupont jumper wires. You know these already from the Voltage and Temperature Monitoring section.
    • A monitor with HDMI input for the Raspberry PI and a USB keyboard. A mouse is not required.

    Preparing the Raspberry PI

    • Download the compress Raspberry Pi system image I prepared here to your desktop computer.
    • Unzip it with your favourite zip-compatible archiving tool. This will unpack the file rpi.img.
    • Insert the microSD card you want to use in your Raspberry Pi into a card reader that is connected to your desktop computer.

    The next step depends on the operating system you use.


    • Download Win32DiskImager and install it.
    • From the Windows Start Menu choose Image WriterWin32DiskImager.
    • Select the rpi.img extracted above as Image File and choose your microSD card from the dropdown list. Double check that you really selected your microSD card!
    • Click write. When the image has been written successfully, eject the microSD card from your card reader.

    Linux / Apple Mac

    • Open a terminal and change to the directory where you put the rpi.img file extracted above.
    • Determine the device name of your microSD card. On a Linux system, this is usually something like /dev/sdb. Make absolutely sure that you use the correct device name or you can loose all your data! On Linux, you can use the command sudo dmesg right after inserting the microSD card into your card reader. The last lines will read something similar to:
    [541428.996964] scsi 1:0:0:4: Direct-Access     Generic  STORAGE DEVICE   1206 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
    [541428.999102] sd 1:0:0:4: [sdf] Media removed, stopped polling
    [541429.000253] sd 1:0:0:4: [sdf] Attached SCSI removable disk
    [542586.120048] sd 1:0:0:2: [sdd] 62521344 512-byte logical blocks: (32.0 GB/29.8 GiB)
    [542586.121493] sdd: detected capacity change from 0 to 62521344
    [542586.123417]  sdd: sdd1 sdd2

    In this case, your device name is /dev/sdd. In this example, the microSD card contains two partitions, sdd1 and sdd2. Before you proceed, issue the following commands (do this for all partitions on your microSD card - change sdd to the device name you determined above and ignore any not mounted messages):

    sudo umount /dev/sdd2
    sudo umount /dev/sdd1
    sudo umount /dev/sdd
    • Adopting /dev/sdd to the device name of YOUR microSD card, type the following commands:
    dd if=rpi.img of=/dev/sdd bs=1M
    • The command will take a while to complete, please be patient! If everything worked, you will get a message similar to:
    1745+0 records in
    1745+0 records out
    1829765120 bytes (1.8 GB, 1.7 GiB) copied, 2.81884 s, 8.8 MB/s

    Back to the Raspberry Pi

    After you've successfully written the rpi.img to your microSD card, eject it from your card reader and insert it into the Raspberry Pi. Connect your monitor and keyboard and power up your Raspberry Pi.

    If all went well, your Raspberry Pi will start and once it finished booting, you will be presented with an input prompt:


    Now it is time to change some basic settings for a more convenient experience:

    • Enter sudo raspi-config.
    • From the menu, choose Localisation OptionsKeyboard select your keyboard type and layout.
    • If you want, you can choose Advanced OptionsExpand filesystem. This will enable you to use all the available space on your microSD card. For the purpose of upgrading the BFG9060's firmware, this isn't necessary.

    After this preparation enter sudo halt. Once your Raspberry Pi states System halted, remove the power cord.

    Preparing the BFG9060

    To safely flash the new firmware, I recommend:

    • Taking the BFG9060 out of the Amiga
    • Disconnecting the CPU fan, if one is installed

    Usually, the CPU can be left in its socket.


    With the help of the jumper wires, and with the Raspberry PI not powered up, connect the Raspberry PI to the SV1 connector of your BFG9060 as shown in the picture:

    Raspberry PI JTAG

    Note that the color of the wires is not important. I just chose different colors to make it more clear what has to be connected where.

    Here's how this may look in real life, using a Raspberry Pi 2B:

    Raspberry PI JTAG

    Detailed view:

    Raspberry PI JTAG

    Flashing the firmware

    After everything is wired up, power up the Raspberry PI.


    You should get an output similar to this:

    XC3SPROG (c) 2004-2011 xc3sprog project $Rev: 774 $ OS: Linux
    Free software: If you contribute nothing, expect nothing!
    Feedback on success/failure/enhancement requests:
    Check Sourceforge for updates:
    Using built-in device list
    Using built-in cable list
    JTAG chainpos: 0 Device IDCODE = 0x59608093	Desc: XC95144XL
    JTAG loc.:   0  IDCODE: 0x59608093  Desc:                      XC95144XL Rev: E  IR length:  8
    JTAG loc.:   1  IDCODE: 0x49616093  Desc:                      XC95288XL Rev: E  IR length:  8

    STOP HERE if your output looks different! Double check that you wired up the connections between the Raspberry Pi and your BFG9060 correctly. If you can't find anything wrong, ask someone experienced.

    Flashing the Latest Available Firmware

    If you want to flash the latest available firmware, type

    This should produce an output similar to:

    Flashing latest available firmware, 2022-08-26
    To list available firmwares:  /home/bfg/bin/ -l
    To flash a specific firmware: /home/bfg/bin/ <Firmware Date>
    XC3SPROG (c) 2004-2011 xc3sprog project $Rev: 774 $ OS: Linux
    Free software: If you contribute nothing, expect nothing!
    Feedback on success/failure/enhancement requests: 
    Check Sourceforge for updates:
    Using built-in device list
    Using built-in cable list
    WARNING: gpio 22 already exported
    WARNING: gpio 4 already exported
    WARNING: gpio 17 already exported
    WARNING: gpio 27 already exported
    JTAG chainpos: 0 Device IDCODE = 0x59608093	Desc: XC95144XL
    Device is blank
    Programming Sector   0...107.
    Programming  time 16959.8 ms
    Verify Sector   0...107
    Success! Verify time 3844.6 ms
    XC3SPROG (c) 2004-2011 xc3sprog project $Rev: 774 $ OS: Linux
    Free software: If you contribute nothing, expect nothing!
    Feedback on success/failure/enhancement requests: 
    Check Sourceforge for updates:
    Using built-in device list
    Using built-in cable list
    JTAG chainpos: 1 Device IDCODE = 0x49616093	Desc: XC95288XL
    Device is blank
    Programming Sector   0...107
    Programming  time 19566.9 ms
    Verify Sector   0...107
    Success! Verify time 6170.6 ms

    If the output you see does not end with the word SUCCESS!, DON'T PANIC! Retry the procedure by typing again. If it still doesn't succeed, re-check your wiring. If you can't find anything wrong, ask someone experienced for help.

    Flashing a Certain Firmware Version

    If you want to flash a specific firmware, type -l.

    This will list all available firmwares:

    Available firmwares:

    To flash the desired firmware, type DESIRED_FIRMWARE. Replace DESIRED_FIRMWARE with the date code of the version you want to flash.

    Example: To flash the firmware released on 1 May 2022, type 2022-05-01

    Adding the Latest Firmware

    I prepared the rpi.img to include all the firmware versions that have been released so far and will strive to keep the image updated. Thus, if you repeat the above steps to prepare the microSD card after a new firmware became available, you will end up with a Raspberry Pi ready to flash this new firmware.

    If you, for one reason or another, want to use a firmware version that is not present in the provided rpi.img, you can add it using your PC or Apple Mac:

    • Insert the prepared microSD card into your card reader. A drive named boot will appear. This drive contains a directory named bfg.
    • Create a new subdirectory below bfg following the "American date style" scheme, e.g. 2022-12-08. DO NOT DELETE ANY FILES FROM THE DRIVE!
    • Put the fusemap files for the two Xilinx chips, mcp.jed and bus_sizing.jed, into this subdirectory. They can now be flashed following the guide above.

    Finding the Currently Installed Firmware Version

    If you don't know the firmware version that is currently on your card, you can determine it by the following procedure:

    • List all available firmware versions by typing -l.
    • Now, for each of the listed versions, type bfg_verify VERSION. This will compare the installed firmware against the files on the microSD card. The firmware version where the output ends with SUCCESS! is the one installed on your card.

    Note: I will probably automate this process at a later stage...

    More In-Depth Explanation of the Firmware Upgrade Process

    The two Xilinx chips on the BFG9060 are arranged in a so-called JTAG chain. The smaller one, the XC95144XL, is in the first location (0) and the larger one, the XC95288XL, in the second (1).

    To update the firmware, both chips have to be reprogrammed with their respective .jed file. (The technical term is bit- or fuse-file.) This is accomplished with the help of a tool called xc3sprog, which is an open-source implementation of Xilinx' own software called IMPACT.


    You installed your BFG9060, flipped the switch, but the screen:

    • Stays black
    • Flickers with colors and doesn't stop doing that
    • Is solid green
    • Is solid yellow
    • Is solid red

    First of all, switch off the Amiga and pull the power plug. If you are in a hurry, come back later, when you are calm and have time.

    Remove the BFG9060 from the system. If you built the card yourself, check it thoroughly for:

    • Solder bridges
    • Bent pins
    • Cold solder joints

    Well, you soldered the damn thing, you should know how to troubleshoot! ;-)

    If you bought a tested card from a trusted seller, follow these steps:

    Step 0: Do you use Kickstart 3.2 (not 3.2.1)? If you disconnected the floppy drive, reconnect it and try again.

    If this wasn't the problem, go on with the next steps.

    Step 1: Take a good look at your BFG9060 and your mainboard: Are the jumpers set correctly, is the CPU fully inserted and without bent pins? Read and follow the Installation section above (again).

    If anything was set up incorrectly, correct it, re-install the BFG9060, reconnect the power cord and switch the machine on.

    If your Amiga still doesn't start properly, or if everything was set up correctly in the first place, switch the machine off again, remove the power, and follow these additional steps:

    Step 2: Remove all Zorro (and possibly PCI) cards from your system.
    Step 3: Remove the motherboard Fast RAM.
    Step 4: Remove the Chip RAM.
    Step 5: Take a sheet of blank printer paper, wrap it around the contacts of the Chip RAM SIMM, and wipe it until no more dark grey residue is left on the paper.
    Step 6: Re-insert the Chip RAM SIMM.
    Step 7: Firmly press down with your thumb on all socketed chips on the mainboard.

    Re-install the BFG9060, reconnect the power cord, and switch the machine on.

    If it boots/shows the Kickstart screen, reassemble it by reversing steps 3 and 2. Clean all exposed contacts with a piece of paper as in step 4 before re-installing cards. Test the machine after each card or memory module you re-inserted.

    If all is re-assembled and the Amiga still doesn't power on properly, switch it off again, pull the plug, remove the BFG9060 and all hardware that is blocking access to the mainbord, and follow these further steps:

    Step 8: Carefully remove the socketed chips from the mainboard, one by one, and for each of them, follow steps 8, 9, and 10. DON'T SCRATCH THE MAINBOARD BY USING SHARP-EDGED TOOLS! If you are unsure, let someone experienced do these steps for you.
    Step 9: Take several sheets of printer paper. Carefully wipe the pins of all chips with the paper until they leave no more black or dark grey residue.
    Step 10: Re-insert the chips. Take care that the orientation is correct, that they are fully inserted, and that no pins are bent.

    Now re-install the BFG9060, reconnect the power, and switch on your Amiga. If it boots/shows the Kickstart screen, reassemble it by reversing steps 3 and 2 (and possibly by re-installing all hardware you removed to get to the mainboard.) Clean all exposed contacts with a piece of paper.

    If the Amiga still doesn't boot, ask someone with technical/hardware experience.


    Q: Will this card ever be upgraded to 256 or 512 MB RAM?
    A: No, it won't!

    Q: Will there be more supported frequencies in the future?
    A: No. The card is tied to the internal 25 MHz clock of the Amiga. Thus, only integer multiples of 25 MHz (12.5 MHz for the 68040) are supported.

    Q: Can I just swap the 68060 processor on the card for a 68040 or vice versa?
    A: No, the cards are built a little differently for 68040 vs. 68060 CPUs. Your card can be changed by resoldering two surface mount components to a different position and by programming it with another firmware. NEVER insert a 68060 CPU into a card that was built or altered to be used with 68040. It will DESTROY your precious CPU!

    Q: I installed the card in my Amiga 3000. It works, but occasionally the system stops responding with the SCSI LED solidly lit. I am still able to move the mouse cursor. What's going on?
    A: This is a known problem that is still being worked on. It has to do with the internal SCSI controller of the Amiga 3000. To work around the issue, use another hard drive controller for now.

    Q: I am the lucky owner of a MC68060 Revision 6 CPU. If I set the card to 100 MHz, the Amiga boots up fine. Is there a way to test if the 100 MHz will run stable?
    A: Yes. In this repository, under the tool directory, you will find povray-cputest_long.lha. Download it, transfer it to your Amiga and unpack it to your harddrive. Click the Script_060_gross icon. Your Amiga will render some 3D images during the next two hours, and compare the images to a reference. If all worked, it will output 'OK' for each of the pictures, and you can be pretty sure that 100 MHz is stable with your CPU and system. If the script doesn't finish or shows 'Failed' for one or more of the images, stick with 50 MHz!

    Q: Will feature XY (sound, graphics, USB, PCI-Express) be added in future revisions?
    A: Most probably not. The creator of the card adheres to the principle: "Keep it simple, keep it workable."



    This manual has been written and is under copyright by Torsten 'torsti76' Kurbad 2022.

    Greg Donner did the proofreading. Thank you very much, Greg!

    Contributions are always welcome!

    You may redistribute, add to, or alter any part of it non-commercially under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.