Window scaling issue
Sorry, I couldn't post on Reddit, for some reason.
I upgraded from v4 to v5 last night and went through each setting screen in v5 to make sure the settings exactly match v4. There is only one problem which I've had before and don't know how to fix. In v5, I can't get the screen to conform to my desktop -- the bottom, where the memory counter and actions the program is doing (like "Getting Metadata") is cut off. Every time I try to adjust the window, for example, pulling it down from the top and moving it up, it's only cut off more of the window at the bottom, and when I pull the bottom frame down, the same display is there, cut off.
I'm on Windows 10 Pro, screen is 3840x2160, Windows scaling is at 250. I've also tried adjusting the "High DPI settings" on the program, but that hasn't worked. There are no DPI adjustments on v4's exe or shortcut files. Pix below: