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  • xavidp's avatar
    [ENH]Added a bunch of other tested profiles to the Profiles Wizard pages,... · 666dd6d4
    xavidp authored
    [ENH]Added a bunch of other tested profiles to the Profiles Wizard pages, under the existing useful and demo sections, and under a new section for 'Highly specialized profiles' such as CartoGraf or R-related profiles, which still might be appropriate to showcase as other highly custom apps that you can do based on Tiki as a framework. New Images taken from openclipart (public domain). The idea is to backport this commit to 12.x, after some discussion can take place in the next Webinar in March 20th 2014 ( ), about this new set of profiles in the Profiles Wizard. Thanks to all those who contributed with the profiles (and know-how) involved. Improvements welcome.