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WIP:[ENH] ListExecute Email Action: send files in FilesField and/or FileGal attached in email

Example usage: {step action="email" subject="just a test" content_field="email_content" to="" file_attachment_field="tracker_field_thisIsAFilesField" file_attachment_gal="3"}

The idea of this merge request is for other devs help improve the code before we merge.

A few questions by Jonny:

i tried on an item with four files attached and got these errors:


and nothing was sent.

Should it return false when one of the files are missing? I guess so, but the "action is being executed" should go then really - not sure how to do that? Also, we can probably improve on "Unknown error" :P Or should it send the ones it can and warn about any missing ones?

Merge request reports