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Draft: [ENH] Smarty 5 Support: Fix issues faced during tiki installation process to make it possible to complete the installation and enter Tiki

After installation of dependencies running "sh" and enter access to the instance going calling hostname/tiki-install.php to complete the installation and enter tiki, there are a sequence of issues/errors thrown that prevent to proceed with the installation process. Some of those issues/errors are removed functions, modifiers, removed properties and constants. Indeed, the purpose of this merge request is to fix all those issues we faced during the installation one by one until we complete the installation and enter Tiki. As we will have a working tiki instance on which to make tests of updates we'll be doing, then we can follow with the fix of all remaining issues in files we didn't faced during the installation, such as look for removed/deprecated functions and modifiers in all files and converting plugins into extensions as smarty 5 uses extensions instead of plugins and also many of plugins related functions are deprecated and will be removed in feature smart release.

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Edited by Rodriguez Nyiringabo

Merge request reports