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[ENH] Trackerlist to List converter: convert parameter 'wiki'

PLEASE DO NOT MERGE. I just need some eyes to review the code and perhaps someone who'd like to test. Then I'll merge it myself. Thanks!

Steps to test:

  1. have a trackerlist plugin that uses a 'wiki' param.
  2. access the page that has the trackerlist and click on the puzzle-piece/edit plugin icon just below the trackerlist
  3. a modal will open. go to the bottom of it and hit the Convert to List button

The converter won't touch the 'wiki' template ditself, so the references to fieldIds ($f_n) in it will have to be manually changed. For that purpose the converter adds a few guidance lines on the bottom of the converted page, such as in this example:

~tc~Please replace the fieldNumber occurrences in your 'wiki' template as shown below:

$f_4 => {literal}{display name="caselogCaseNumber"}{/literal}

$f_2 => {literal}{display name="caselogCreationDate"}{/literal}

$f_3 => {literal}{display name="caselogCaseReceivingChannel"}{/literal}

$f_9 => {literal}{display name="caselogIncidentLocation"}{/literal}


Edited by Roberto Kirschbaum

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