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[update] userselector_grouped.tpl file

Mike KOTA requested to merge (removed):MASTERBRANCHEMK into master

on the task, I put into practice the advice Marc Laporte and Nathan Tela gave me to allow me to make the text pretty enough to see the user and to encourage him to continue this selection after seeing the message using of course the power of the bootstrap. For my first try, I used the simplest method which was to force the user to select a group as well as a user by adding in each selection an obligation attribute that worked wonderfully well.

I found it better to insert a piece of JQuerry code that allowed me to define a condition that if a user clicks in a user's selection field without first selecting a group, a message will be displayed reminding him to select a group first. This solves the problem of changing the field type to mandatory.

Finally I searched the values in the groups to allow me to exclude all groups with empty content but since Marc asked me to exclude that the value "Anonymous So I updated the code of this proposal, to do this, I added to lines 7,8 and 9 a piece of code allowing me to delete by comparison the value of the variable $data.groupsix equal to "Anonymous" which clearly shows us all the values except the anonymous group .

dir : /var/www/virtual/

On the file : userselector_grouped.tpl

Merge request reports