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[ENH] markdown backend support

Victor Emanouilov requested to merge kroky/tiki:feature/markdown into master

[ENH] combine wiki parser and markdown parser depending on setting - parse via wiki syntax or markdown + include parsing for plugins, wiki arg variables, smileys, tagged users, dynamic variables and toc in markdown

TODO: add settings for markdown, default to tiki syntax still, later on add conversion from tiki syntax to markdown

TODO: check maketoc, nonparsers, wiki plugin output and other specific tiki-syntax functions with markdown

TODO: consider commonmark extensions for parsing wiki plugins - not worth doing, we keep existing syntax for wiki plugins

TODO: fix unit tests and add more markdown specific

Added a service for preview (controller=wiki&action=preview) and relevant API endpoing with content=ABC&parser_options[is_markdown]=1 kind of input and {"parsed": "content"} kind of output. This might be useful for page includes from one Tiki site to another but mostly done now for preview of the WYSIWYG editor - especially editing markdown with wiki plugins.

Edited by Victor Emanouilov

Merge request reports