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[FIX] Add scrollbar to modal body and adjust Adminbar layout

The main changes target:

  • Long modal in tiki: before we had to scroll the modal content from the main page scrollbar, now the scrollbar is embedded to the modal body and we can scroll from there.
before after
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  • Most of the Modal close button had some X icon repeated twice
before after
6e78a48b-febf-4784-b267-c10fbdab936f cb9626a1-e9d6-45d3-ac67-ed027211b0de
  • The adminbar container had some weird layout and nonreactives next/prev buttons on small screens for rolling the swipper elements
before after
image image
before after
image image

Additional informations related to the task can be seen at

Edited by Elvis Ansima

Merge request reports