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[FIX] RubixML: upgraded from version 0.4.1 to 0.4.2 in order to comply with the psr-4 autoloading standard

Lupundu Yan requested to merge yan.lupundu/tiki:tiki.yan.24.x into 24.x

An error Class Rubix\ML\Exceptions\MissingExtension located in ./vendor/rubix/ml/src/Exceptions/MIssingExtension.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping. was observed on some servers. So after analysis I noticed that the psr-4 error is due to the version of rubix/ml specifier with composer(0.4.1). So I checked the RubixML repository and found that version 0.4.1 contain an error in the naming of the MIssingExtension.php file. The error was fixed in the 0.4.2 version. So I had to upgrade rubix/ml from 0.4.1 version to 0.4.2 version in order to fix the problem.`


Edited by luci

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