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  • Victor Emanouilov's avatar
    [ENH] smarty 5 support · e96bcffa
    Victor Emanouilov authored
    * [FIX] smarty 5 - htmlentities in file gallery toolbar links
    * [FIX] smarty 5 depreciation
    * [FIX] smarty 5 - legacy detection code revert and assign_by_ref returning the assignment
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 and template layout extension/recursion: extend tags in templates get executed even if their output is discarded when 'extend:' syntax is used in smarty fetch or display function calls - headerlib has troubles outputting headers/js content multiple times and we potentially run into other conflicts with double renders - fix consists of modifying the extend tags in templates when global extend is already present to use specific empty layout, so it renders nothing and doesn't interfere with the global rendering
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: HtmlSelectDate function: null value for template variable
    See merge request !4416
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Implement missing modifier 'strstr'
    See merge request !4392
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: wikiplugin_tracker: using wrong template variable
    See merge request !4387
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Wikiplugin_include: Using wrong template variable
    See merge request !4382
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Implement missing modifier 'sizeof'
    See merge request !4381
    * [FIX] Smarty 5: phpcs pipeline failures
    * [FIX] Smarty 5: pass varaibles by reference implementation (mainly for our global prefs array but also for other variables used as references)
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Call to unknown modifier 'pagename'
    See merge request !4368
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: wikiplugin_remarksbox using wron template variable
    See merge request !4367
    * [FIX] Smarty 5: tracker_fields function using wrong template variable
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Implement missing smarty modifier "substr"
    * [ENH] Remove no longer used smarty output filter "ticket"
    * [FIX] CI: Fix pipeline errors
    * [FIX] Regression from Smart 5: Fix error ""item" attribute/variable has illegal value"
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Implement missing smarty modifier "is_numeric"
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Fix the error in the class MaxUserInscriptionName name to have same name as its file
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Fix pipeline phpcs errors
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Fix unit test NotificationEmailLibTest::testSendCommentNotification pipeline errors
    * [ENH] Move Tiki custom modifiers  outside the smarty tiki extension file
    * [UPD] Smarty 5 support: Update Tiki Smarty Security Policy
    * [FIX] Release script: Update Smarty class path( cahnged in Smarty 5)
    * [FIX] Pass the expected onbject type to smarty_block_self_link function
    * [ENH] Move auto-inclusion of all smarty_* functions files  lib/smarty_tiki/ at one place  for all tiki(installed tiki, installer, tests, etc).
    * [FIX] Update Smarty class path(changed in smarty 5)
    * [FIX] CI: Auto-include files under lib/smarty-tiki, so all smarty_* functions are defined
    * [FIX] CI: FunctionToolbarsTest.php: fix required argument type "Smarty\Template"
    * [ENH] Fix CI reported errors
    * [FIX] Fix class not found issue
    * [FIX] Fix class not found issues in tiki-install.php
    * [FIX] Provide expected type Smarty/Template
    * [ENH] Add outputfilter "sefurl" to the  smarty tiki extension
    * [FIX] Fix class not found TrackerOutput
    * [FIX] Implement modifier "tra" | Fix call to unknown modifer tra
    * [FIX] Fix class not found issues
    * [FIX] Fix call to unknown modifier tiki_date_format
    * [FIX] Fix argument must argument must be of type \Smarty\Template
    * [FIX] refactor the class ObjectLinks | Fix  to undefined function inside ObjectLinks class
    * [FIX] Fix class PaginationLinks not found error
    * [FIX] Implement missing modifier "preg_match" removed by Smarty in Smarty 5
    * [FIX] Some issues faced when testing after migration of plugins to extension
    * [FIX] Fix call to undefined function  "get_menu_with_selections" after conversion of plugins into extension
    * [FIX] Fix call to undefined function "compare_menu_options" in menulib.php
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Implement PHP functions that got removed in smarty 5 while they were used as modifiers in Tiki templates.
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Auto-include all files inside lib/smarty_tiki so that all smarty_* function they contain are defined
    * [FIX] Fix name space issue
    * [FIX] Fix class not found issue
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Add "assign_content" plugin compiler to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Add the outputfilter "ticket" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "numStyle" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "d" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "yesno" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "utf8unicode" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "truex" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "times" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_short_time" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_short_datetime" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_short_date" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_remaining_days_from_now" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_long_time" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_long_datetime" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_long_date" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_date_fotmat" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "template" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tasklink" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "substring" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "star" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "slug" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "reversre_array" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "replacei" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "quoted" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "percent" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "parse" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "pagename" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "packageitemid" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "output" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "number_format" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "nonp" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "nonamespace" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "namespace" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "money_format" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "max_user_inscriptions" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "lcfirst" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "langname" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "kbsize" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "isodate" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "in_group" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "iconify" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "htmldecode" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "how_many_user_inscriptions" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "groupmemebertopic" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "forumtopiccount" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "forumname" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "file_diagram" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "file_can_conert_to_pdf" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "duration" to smarty tiki extension
    See merge request !3529
    [ENH] smarty 5 support
    Victor Emanouilov authored
    * [FIX] smarty 5 - htmlentities in file gallery toolbar links
    * [FIX] smarty 5 depreciation
    * [FIX] smarty 5 - legacy detection code revert and assign_by_ref returning the assignment
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 and template layout extension/recursion: extend tags in templates get executed even if their output is discarded when 'extend:' syntax is used in smarty fetch or display function calls - headerlib has troubles outputting headers/js content multiple times and we potentially run into other conflicts with double renders - fix consists of modifying the extend tags in templates when global extend is already present to use specific empty layout, so it renders nothing and doesn't interfere with the global rendering
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: HtmlSelectDate function: null value for template variable
    See merge request !4416
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Implement missing modifier 'strstr'
    See merge request !4392
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: wikiplugin_tracker: using wrong template variable
    See merge request !4387
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Wikiplugin_include: Using wrong template variable
    See merge request !4382
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Implement missing modifier 'sizeof'
    See merge request !4381
    * [FIX] Smarty 5: phpcs pipeline failures
    * [FIX] Smarty 5: pass varaibles by reference implementation (mainly for our global prefs array but also for other variables used as references)
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Call to unknown modifier 'pagename'
    See merge request !4368
    * * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: wikiplugin_remarksbox using wron template variable
    See merge request !4367
    * [FIX] Smarty 5: tracker_fields function using wrong template variable
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Implement missing smarty modifier "substr"
    * [ENH] Remove no longer used smarty output filter "ticket"
    * [FIX] CI: Fix pipeline errors
    * [FIX] Regression from Smart 5: Fix error ""item" attribute/variable has illegal value"
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Implement missing smarty modifier "is_numeric"
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Fix the error in the class MaxUserInscriptionName name to have same name as its file
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Fix pipeline phpcs errors
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Fix unit test NotificationEmailLibTest::testSendCommentNotification pipeline errors
    * [ENH] Move Tiki custom modifiers  outside the smarty tiki extension file
    * [UPD] Smarty 5 support: Update Tiki Smarty Security Policy
    * [FIX] Release script: Update Smarty class path( cahnged in Smarty 5)
    * [FIX] Pass the expected onbject type to smarty_block_self_link function
    * [ENH] Move auto-inclusion of all smarty_* functions files  lib/smarty_tiki/ at one place  for all tiki(installed tiki, installer, tests, etc).
    * [FIX] Update Smarty class path(changed in smarty 5)
    * [FIX] CI: Auto-include files under lib/smarty-tiki, so all smarty_* functions are defined
    * [FIX] CI: FunctionToolbarsTest.php: fix required argument type "Smarty\Template"
    * [ENH] Fix CI reported errors
    * [FIX] Fix class not found issue
    * [FIX] Fix class not found issues in tiki-install.php
    * [FIX] Provide expected type Smarty/Template
    * [ENH] Add outputfilter "sefurl" to the  smarty tiki extension
    * [FIX] Fix class not found TrackerOutput
    * [FIX] Implement modifier "tra" | Fix call to unknown modifer tra
    * [FIX] Fix class not found issues
    * [FIX] Fix call to unknown modifier tiki_date_format
    * [FIX] Fix argument must argument must be of type \Smarty\Template
    * [FIX] refactor the class ObjectLinks | Fix  to undefined function inside ObjectLinks class
    * [FIX] Fix class PaginationLinks not found error
    * [FIX] Implement missing modifier "preg_match" removed by Smarty in Smarty 5
    * [FIX] Some issues faced when testing after migration of plugins to extension
    * [FIX] Fix call to undefined function  "get_menu_with_selections" after conversion of plugins into extension
    * [FIX] Fix call to undefined function "compare_menu_options" in menulib.php
    * [FIX] Smarty 5 support: Implement PHP functions that got removed in smarty 5 while they were used as modifiers in Tiki templates.
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Auto-include all files inside lib/smarty_tiki so that all smarty_* function they contain are defined
    * [FIX] Fix name space issue
    * [FIX] Fix class not found issue
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Add "assign_content" plugin compiler to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Add the outputfilter "ticket" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "numStyle" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "d" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "yesno" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "utf8unicode" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "truex" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "times" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_short_time" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_short_datetime" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_short_date" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_remaining_days_from_now" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_long_time" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_long_datetime" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_long_date" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tiki_date_fotmat" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "template" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "tasklink" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "substring" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "star" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "slug" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "reversre_array" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "replacei" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "quoted" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "percent" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "parse" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "pagename" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "packageitemid" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "output" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "number_format" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "nonp" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "nonamespace" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "namespace" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "money_format" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "max_user_inscriptions" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "lcfirst" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "langname" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "kbsize" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "isodate" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "in_group" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "iconify" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "htmldecode" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "how_many_user_inscriptions" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "groupmemebertopic" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "forumtopiccount" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "forumname" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "file_diagram" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "file_can_conert_to_pdf" to smarty tiki extension
    * [ENH] Smarty 5 support: Migrate the plugin modifier "duration" to smarty tiki extension
    See merge request !3529