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  • nyloth's avatar
    [MOD] calendars: change sticky popups to behave more like other well-known web... · d75fff06
    nyloth authored
    [MOD] calendars: change sticky popups to behave more like other well-known web calendars: now the user has to click on an event (title or background) to open the popup. The popup is closed through the 'Close' icon inside the popup or by clicking somewhere else on the calendar.
      + add some quick action icons (Edit, Delete, View) inside sticky popups
      + remove obvious 'Events' title on day mode
      + hide 'export' button if not enough permissions (WYSIWYCA)
      + change '+' tooltip into 'Add Event'
      + invert 'configlinks' and 'navbar' divs since navbar is generally used for buttons