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Add phpexec option to instance:import

It seems phpexec option is being passed to the composer command, causing errors to TikiManager

Command and output without this request:

root@demo1:~ # /opt/tiki-manager/app/tiki-manager  instance:import --type=local --url='' --email='' --webroot='/home/test1/public_html' --tempdir='/home/test1/tmp/tiki_mgr' --backup-user='test1' --backup-group='test1' --backup-permission=750 --no-ansi --no-interaction

 [WARNING] You are running Tiki Manager as root. This is not an ideal situation.                                        
           Ex: If later, you run as a normal user, you may have issues with file permissions.                           

 [ERROR] The "phpexec" option does not exist.

Command and output after this request:

root@demo1:~ # /opt/tiki-manager/app/tiki-manager  instance:import --type=local --url='' --email='' --webroot='/home/test1/public_html' --tempdir='/home/test1/tmp/tiki_mgr' --backup-user='test1' --backup-group='test1' --backup-permission=750 --no-ansi --no-interaction

 [WARNING] You are running Tiki Manager as root. This is not an ideal situation.                                        
           Ex: If later, you run as a normal user, you may have issues with file permissions.                           

Instance PHP Version: 7.4.27
Instance PHP exec: /usr/bin/php

 [OK] Import completed, please test your site at                                      

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