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== qnap-docker-compose

Creates the listed services with docker-compose on a QNAP NAS. Includes configuration examples to expose those services, attach your own domain and include ssl certs. 

- Proxy:
    * traefik incl. lets encrypt {{...}}:80

- Monitoring, logging: 
    * grafana {{...}}:3000
    * graphite {{...}}:8080
    * docker-fritzboxcollectd {{...}}
    * collectd {{...}}
    * statsd {{...}}
    * harvester1 {{...}}
    * {{...}}:28778

- Collaboration: 
    * nextcloud {{...}}:80
    * gogs {{...}}:3000

- Logging:
    * log-file (docker-json)
    	docker logs xxx 

- Storage:
    * minio {{ ... }}:9000
    * etcd {{ ... }}
    * mariadb {{ ... }}

- Tools:
    * adminer {{ ... }}:8080
    * etcd-viewer: {{ ... }}:8080

- Applications
    * operator

== QNAP NAS configurations 

- http port 8079 (instead of 8080)
- https port 442 (instead of 443)
- activate webserver to deactivate port 80 forwarding: port 78, no https
- container station app has to be installed
- a new user (NOT admin) needs to be conigured for ssh access
- container will use a seperate physical network adapter (eth1) 

== Install instructions

NOTE: "{{ ... }}" are variables to be changed by the user 

- dependencies:
    * fritz box 
    * QNAP NAS with Container Station (ssh access)
    * optionally some webcams
    * your domains CNAME needs to  show to the static ip (or dyndns) of your trafik container
    * your fritzbox ip is and connected per first lan port
    * your qnap has container station installed
    * "Network and Virtual Switch" application can be used
    * all your domains are free for dns rebind (fritzbox setting "dns-rebind-schutz")
    * qnap is connected per its second ethernet port to the fritzbox

- ssh to nas
- copy the complete repository to a folder on your qnap nas 

    cd /share/Services/{{ ... }}/
    cp ........

- create a network for our services

    docker network create -d qnet --ipam-driver=qnet \
    --ipam-opt=iface=eth1 --subnet= \
    --gateway= qnet-static-eth1

- create directories for data persistency 

    #export SERVICES_HOME=share/Services/{{ ... }}/persist
    mkdir -p ./persist/data/nextcloud
    mkdir -p ./persist/config/nextcloud
    mkdir -p ./persist/data/mysql
    mkdir -p ./persist/data/graphite
    mkdir -p ./persist/config/graphite
    mkdir -p ./persist/data/grafana
    mkdir -p ./persist/config/grafana
    mkdir -p ./persist/data/minio
    mkdir -p ./persist/config/minio
    mkdir -p ./persist/data/etcd
    mkdir -p ./persist/data/gogs

    #stinky change of data folder permissions
    chmod 777 ./persist -R

- configure

    cp acme.json.default acme.json
    chmod 600 acme.json
    cp traefik.toml.default traefik.toml
    cp .env.default .env

- start the services

    docker-compose up -d

== Configuration examples

=== traefik.toml:

	# to switch on the api and the dashboard. only for testing. ... 
	#entryPoint = "traefik"
	#dashboard = true

	# comment the caServer - config line, if done with testing and switching to production
	# now, this is using the test stage ... 
	caServer = "" # comment the caServer - config line, if done with testing and switching to production
	                                                                    # now, this is using the test stage ... 
	email = ""  # change
	# domains are registered with traefik at lets encrypt to gather ssl certificates. 
	  main = "collab.{{replace}}.net"
	  main = "service.{{replace}}.net"
	  main = "nextcloud.{{replace}}.net"
	  main = "proxytraefik.{{replace}}"

	endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
	watch = true

=== docker-compose.yaml:

   # see the grafana container as example
     image: grafana/grafana:latest # maybe want to set to a specific version?
     container_name: grafana
     hostname: grafana 
     #user: ${ID} # how to define which user it should use?
     restart: always
     mem_limit: ${RES_MEMLIMIT}
     mem_reservation: ${RES_MEMSOFTLIMIT}
     cpuset: ${RES_CPUSET} # qnap nas has 4 cpus. we dont want the containers block the nas
       - "3000:3000"
       - data_grafana:/var/lib/grafana
         ipv4_address: ${IP_GRAFANA} # needed for now for simple usage within qnaps networking
       - "traefik.backend=grafana" # add, if service should be accessed by a domain and ssl-proxied by traefik
       - "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:${DOMAIN_SERVICE}"
       - ""
       - "traefik.port=3000"
       - "traefik.enabled=true" 
       - "collectd_docker_app=grafana" # add, to get this containers stats into monitoring
       - "collectd_docker_task=grafana" 

	#we have a qnap specific network (user defined network) defined manually
		name: qnet-static-eth1

	#and to store the data permanently, we use volumes	
 	  install_nextcloud: # data will be installed into volume in /docker/bin ..or such.. 
	  data_grafana: # we bind it to a folder, so we know where the data is kept
		driver: local
		  type: 'none'
		  o: 'bind'
		  device: '$PWD/persist/data/grafana'

=== .env:

	ID=$(id -u) 

	# domains that have a CNAME record linking to our proxy servers ip (or dyndns entry)

	# internally used ips

	# cheap passwords

	# get md5 from htpasswd or 

	# resource settings
	# after inspection, adapt each container to individual values
	#on quadcore the cpus are 0,1,2,3

	# logging settings

	# volumes
	# using workdir as a base. sadly these need,  for now,  to get directly
	# specified in the compose file, variables didnt work #headscratch
=== Applications

==== Operator

The operator is a tool to handle incoming data .  

.overview operator 
[plantuml, operator_overview, png]     
title operator
node device_send_metric
node udp_proxy
node decide_known_unknown
node drop_message
node forward_timeseries_db
node timeseries_db

device_send_metric --> udp_proxy
udp_proxy --> decide_known_unknown 
decide_known_unknown --> drop_message : unknown
decide_known_unknown --> forward_timeseries_db : known
forward_timeseries_db --> timeseries_db

    Zunächst muss ein Gerät registiert werden
    Hier kann auch eine ID mitgegeben werden, oder geprüft werden, ob eine Id angelegt ist  
    # register device 
        http://{{ ... }}:8080 
    # check for a device
        http://{{ ... }}:8080/register/device?deviceid=785127d89d07441c8a95595f201ee43c
    # how many devices are registered 
        http://{{ ... }}:8080/register/device/count
    Dann der Whitelist für den UDP Eingang hinzugefügt werden
    Im mit dem Link aufgerufenen Fenster die vorher generierte Geräte - Id Eintragen    
    # append an entry to whitelist
        http://{{ ... }}:8080/register/whitelist?deviceid=5dd216fe1cbf4e0f8a13ee896774e6c8
    Anschließend eine Testnachricht schicken 
    Im mit dem Link aufgerufenen Fenster die vorher generierte Geräte - Id Eintragen und die Parameter nach Wunsch anpassen
    # send test message
        http://{{ ... }}:8080/send/timeseries?deviceid=86dbfa0cbe38403fa288647c86eae042&sensor=lagesensorlinks&value=123