[Version-unspecific] Only halt after THOR height specified by HaltSigning and HaltSigning%s Mimir keys, like all other Halt keys
All threads resolved!
[Version unspecific]
Intended to close #2047 (closed)
'Bifrost should respect future height in HaltSigning
My current impression is that no versioning is needed for this.
(No observation consensus issues, nor predicted switchover-timing usage.)
My thought process code references for referring to the THOR height,
in that every other Halt
key does so and HaltSigning
has to (since it can't be set chain-specifically),
are here:
#2047 (comment 2083042237)
As always, feedback is welcome!
Edited by Multipartite
Merge request reports
added chain-client priority3 labels
mentioned in issue #2047 (closed)
changed milestone to %Release-2.136.0
- Resolved by Multipartite
added 11 commits
dee92049...c6ee6d76 - 10 commits from branch
- b4ad67c6 - Only halt after THOR height specified by HaltSigning and HaltSigning%s Mimir...
dee92049...c6ee6d76 - 10 commits from branch
enabled an automatic merge when all merge checks for b4ad67c6 pass
mentioned in issue #2064
mentioned in merge request !3721 (merged)
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