[cleanup] Remove Non-Pipelined Signer Logic
The change in !3372 (merged) has substantially reduced signing failures as expected (https://dashboards.ninerealms.com/#tss-health):
There have been a few spikes since the pipelined signer took effect early February, but these were due to unrelated P0s that prevented consensus on the outbound being signed (all known now fixed). The trend in the baseline error rate is clear from the chart, especially considering the outbound count has been higher during the period with the reduced error rate.
Merge request reports
added cleanup milestone-planning tss labels
added priority3 label
Thank you for the link and screenshot!
Could I ask how a a failure percentage over 100% is calculated?
(Is this consensus keysign failure messages(/slashes) per unique TxOutItem?)
For context I record/comment that block 14526457 (2024-02-01) had 100% adoption (implementation) of v1.127.0 including !3372 (merged) '[bifrost] Pipeline Signing Routines';
indicates that 2/3rds adoption was in block 14525843, the same day.This indeed appears consistent with the visibly low baseline from 02/13 through 04/09
compared with 10/24 through 01/20!
added 4 commits
b51d0f72...199c4297 - 3 commits from branch
- e4690cd6 - [cleanup] Remove Non-Pipelined Signer Logic
b51d0f72...199c4297 - 3 commits from branch
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for e4690cd6 succeeds
changed milestone to %Release-1.132.0
mentioned in issue mayachain/mayanode#146 (closed)
mentioned in merge request mayachain/mayanode!367 (merged)