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[V128-specific] needsNewVault check of outbound asset, not only outbound vault

Multipartite requested to merge Multi/needsNewVault-check-Asset-too into develop


Intended to close #1876 (closed)
'Gas rate and max gas not updated on rescheduled outbound'
by making the needsNewVault check more rigorous, checking outbound Asset as well as outbound vault pubkey.

Thought process: #1876 (comment 1763847738)

In summary, streaming swap
had a partial refund TxOutItem (ETH.USDT) and a partial success TxOutItem (ETH.LINK),
and the ETH.LINK outbound succeeded, but the ETH.USDT TxOutItem required a needsNewVault gas update to succeed.
However, because the ETH.USDT TxOutItem was at some point assigned to the same outbound vault as the ETH.LINK outbound,
needsNewVault identified the ETH.LINK outbound as being an already-signed-and-observed outbound for the ETH.USDT TxOutItem.
Though the Amount of a TxOutItem and its matching oberved txout might be different
(specifically for UTXO outbounds),
checking the Asset can hopefully make this less likely to happen in future.

Merge request reports