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[Version-unspecific] Drop only specific transactions from transaction-specific getThorchainTxIns or GetObservationsStdTx parsing problems

Multipartite requested to merge Multi/drop-only-specific-unparsable-txs into develop


Intended to close #1836 (closed)
'Unparsable transactions block observation of parsable transactions in the same block'.

Something I'd like to ask particular attention regarding:
While modifying, I noted and changed

		to, err := common.NewAddress(item.To)
		if err != nil {
			o.errCounter.WithLabelValues("fail_to_parse_sender", item.Sender).Inc()
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("fail to parse sender,%s is invalid sender address: %w", item.Sender, err)

		o.logger.Debug().Msgf("pool pubkey %s", item.ObservedVaultPubKey)
		chainAddr, _ := item.ObservedVaultPubKey.GetAddress(txIn.Chain)
		o.logger.Debug().Msgf("%s address %s", txIn.Chain.String(), chainAddr)
		if err != nil {
			o.errCounter.WithLabelValues("fail to parse observed pool address", item.ObservedVaultPubKey.String()).Inc()
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("fail to parse observed pool address: %s: %w", item.ObservedVaultPubKey.String(), err)

to be for "fail_to_parse_to" and item.To on the one hand,
and for the "fail to parse observed pool address"to be for theGetAddresserror instead of being for the earlierNewAddresserror (dropping theGetAddress` error).

Feedback is welcome!

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