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[V128-specific] Use both effectiveSecurityBond and totalEffectiveBond to calculate poolShare


This is intended to close #1540 (closed) (May 2023) and close #1790 (closed) (December 2023),
'The Incentive Pendulum currently incentivises relative to the total Active bond, not the effective security bond or the total effective bond'
'[bug] Incentive Pendulum swing based on effective security'.

The opening of this MR is in direct response to
!3289 (comment 1710409095)
related to the closing of !3289 (closed).

By its creation this MR closes !2962 (closed)
'Use totalEffectiveBond instead of totalBonded for Incentive Pendulum'
in favour of it,
being (according to my current impression) a preferable approach which targets an effectiveSecurityBond-based equilibrium including acknowledging a totalEffectiveBond-based reward distribution.

(#1851 (closed) 'Aim Incentive Pendulum to target equilibrium of effective security bond and vault (RUNE value of assets) liquidity, rather than pooled RUNE liquidity'
describes a follow-up for this, as reflected by its title.)

Edited by Multipartite

Merge request reports