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[V134-specific] Fail validation of Unbond/Leave messages with a non-zero Coin amount


Closes #1486
'RUNE in an Unbond or Leave transaction is treated like rewards (split between all providers), rather than incrementing the signing provider's bond'
and !2796 (closed) (to which this is an alternative)
'Increment provider (not just node) bond with message RUNE when unbonding/leaving'.

Prompted by this discussion thread;
since Unbond/Leave asset types are RUNE, there's nothing directly stopping them from having non-zero Coin amounts (sending RUNE to the Bond Module),
but there's no reason for it either and it's simpler to deny Unbond/Leave messages containing a non-zero RUNE than it is to ensure that RUNE is added to the right bond provider (as well as to the node's total bond) before the bond-returning.

Please note the discussion there
(including the number of historical non-zero-amount messages versus zero-amount messages,
and historical examples of successful bond returns with and without non-zero-amount messages).

2023-07-15 update:
I currently predict that this would also close #1584 (closed)
'unbonding with ygg funds can leave rune behind on bond module'
given its "If rune is included on an unbond transaction" context.

2024-06-10 update:

March 2023's feedback no-more-than-one-MsgDeposit-Coin condition now removed from this !2837 due to March 2024's !3484 (merged)
'[security] Prevent Multiple Coins in Send and Deposit'
which added a similar condition.

Edited by Multipartite

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