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[V106-specific] Automatically produce store migration memo-hashed fake TxIDs for Midgard #check-lint-warning


Closes #1475 (closed)
'IDless store migration swap events aren't picked up by Midgard'.

This includes a unit test to confirm that the hashing behaves as expected to generate a fake TxID previously generated by HooriRn from the corresponding refund memo.

If there is a neater way to do a Keccak-256 hash than using the multihash functions (preferably using repositories already referred to in THORChain's go.mod), please direct me to it.

The #check-lint-warning is for the creation of refundDroppedSwapOutFromRUNEV103 in the versioning of refundDroppedSwapOutFromRUNE.

Update: Feedback commit added to use sha256 instead of Keccak-256.

Edited by Multipartite

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