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[Version-unspecific] Move older-version helpers.go functions to helpers_archive.go


When trying to work out whether a certain error message originated from helpers.go function isSynthMintPausedV99 or the same file's getSynthSupplyRemainingV102,
I realised that helpers.go also contained isSynthMintPausedV102 (which didn't contain that error message).
Looking further, I confirmed the existence of helpers_archive.go and that helpers.go also contained both isChainHaltedV87 and isChainHaltedV65.

This MR moves isSynthMintPausedV99 and isChainHaltedV65 to helpers_archive.go,
aiming to only leave functions used in the current version in helpers.go .

( @ursa9r , could linting hypothetically check whether non-_archive files hold multiple version numbers of the same function('s definition)? )

Edited by Multipartite

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