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Derived assets #check-lint-warning

Son of Odin requested to merge derived-assets into develop

This adds the ability for the network to mint/burn derived assets. This is largely a "copy/paste" of !2176 (closed), so review the description there for additional info.

The big difference is A) no LPing with a derived asset B) the TOR anchors are controlled via mimir instead of hard coded. This allows mimir to quickly remove a TOR anchor in the event of a depeg. C) there is a mimir EnableDerivedAssets that allows derived asset swapping to be turned on/off (excludes lending protocol). This allows the community to turn on derived assets globally at a later date and be able to vote on it separately (not enabled with lending by itself). D) swap fees for derived assets is burned

Edited by Son of Odin

Merge request reports