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[Version-unspecific] NewQueryPool

Multipartite requested to merge Multipartite/thornode:NewQueryPool into develop


Following the merge of !2647 (merged), trying/proposing a restructuring of pool display according to this discussion thread.

My intention in this MR is only to change the ordering, though freed from alphabetical ordering other changes are possible such as asset_depth and rune_depth rather than balance_asset and balance_rune.

A Mocknet check (if I have not erred) of the before and after: comparison At the top is Asset and Status, the first important information to be read.

If present, Decimals (pool qualitative information) is next to the asset and rune amounts information (pending and non-pending) which it refers to.

The pending balances lead into the non-pending balances, and those non-pending balances are grouped together with PoolUnits for convenient LUVI calculation.

PoolUnits is directly above LPUnits and SynthUnits which sum to it (again, convenient for comparison).

SynthUnits is next to SynthSupply which it is associated with;
SynthSupply is next to SaversDepth which is a subset of it (convenient for seeing how big SaversDepth is compared to SynthSupply).

SaversDepth is next to SaversUnits at the end, which are associated with it (and with only it).

Edit: Rebased to include synth_mint_paused and synth_supply_remaining at the bottom of the synth-related parts, followed by loan_collateral; Mocknet screenshot below.


Edited by Multipartite

Merge request reports