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Resolve "[ADD] Ragnarok a pool per mimir setting"

Heimdall requested to merge 1341-issue into develop

Related to #1341 (closed) Once RAGNAROK-TERRA-LUNA , RAGNAROK-TERRA-UST mimir reach 2/3 majority consensus , or set by admin mimir, then the ragnarok pool will kick off.

  1. As soon as ragnarok pool started , set the pool status to Stage , which will stop it from funding yggdrasil
  2. every 300 blocks , it check whether there are pools need to be ragnarok
  3. Once ragnarok kicked off , the first round , it will redeem synth , and send it all to reserve , and also recall yggdrasil fund back to one of the asgard
  4. Every 300 blocks , it will process 500 LPs until all LPs have been processed
  5. During withdraw, it is best efforts, it it failed to process a specific LP for whatever reason , then the LP will be removed
  6. Once all LPs get processed , no more LP left , if the pool is non-gas asset, it will be removed, for gas asset, the pool get set to Suspended
Edited by Heimdall

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