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[bugfix] specifying query height no longer persists across queries

Son of Odin requested to merge reset-query-height into master

Saw a bug where once someone specifies a query height on a node, it maintains that query height for all queries thereafter.

$ curl -s http://localhost:1317/thorchain/pools\?height\=50 | jq '.'
    "balance_rune": "873000000000",
    "balance_asset": "23000000000",
    "asset": "BNB.BNB",
    "pool_units": "873000000000",
    "status": "Enabled"
$ curl -s http://localhost:1317/thorchain/pools\?height\=5000 | jq '.'
  "error": "invalid request: failed to load state at height 5000; version does not exist (latest height: 59)"
$ curl -s http://localhost:1317/thorchain/pools | jq '.'  
  "error": "invalid request: failed to load state at height 5000; version does not exist (latest height: 60)"

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