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Resolve "ADD: Call to action change after swap"

гλ requested to merge 282-call-to-action-change-after-swap into master

Closes #282 (closed)

"Finish" CTAs

swap -> /swap pool stake -> /pools create pool -> /pools


  • Lots of copypasta style code.
  • Really easy to make a mistake or miss a problem.
  • Needs a fair bit of refactoring due to compounding problems:
    • Hard to extract out new components
      • Code structure containers vs components makes things difficult
      • Using proptypes and JS makes it harder than TS
      • Internal use of classes mixes concerns in a poor way entrenching large god components that are hard to break up.
    • Popup logic should be driven by the URL and defined in a single component per route.

Anyway didn't want to tackle any of this so I just copied my changed around and made the problems worse.

Edited by гλ

Merge request reports