Hi! My name is Thomas Touhey, and this is my Gitlab.com profile.
Most of my projects are located in groups I am a member of, including:
- Cahute, for projects related to CASIO calculators;
- Kaquel, for Python projects related more or less directly to the usage of Elastic software;
- thox, for Lua and documentation projects related to ComputerCraft and other mods bringing computers to Minecraft.
You can find more about me and what I do over in the following places:
- My website (en, fr);
- My LinkedIn profile;
- My Fediverse profile;
- My Github profile (mostly for mirrors and contributions to projects hosted there).
See you around in a merge request or issue :)
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Pronouns: He/him
Software Developer
11:07 PM
Member since January 20, 2018