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  • Evan Cofsky's avatar
    Modeling effect and computation streams · 619d873c
    Evan Cofsky authored
    - A `HandleClass` class which supports common operations
    - A `ReadHandle` class
      - Requires a `read` function to read a `Record` from the `Handle`.
      - A 'reader' function returning a `SourceT` of the `Record` of the
        underlying `HandleClass`.
    - A `WriteHandle` class
      - Requires a `write` function that writes a `Record` to the `Handle`.
      - A `writer` function that produces a `ProcessT`:
        - Writes `Record`s to the underlying `Handle`
        - Passes `Record`s unchanged.
    - A `ByteString` implementations for this
    - Tests for the `ByteString` implementation