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Fix the Emmental aspect of the output mesh if the input mesh is a vtkPolyData

guillaume Peillex requested to merge FixingEmmentalAspectPart2 into main

!55 (merged) allows the user to have a full mesh in the output of the vtkMaterialInterface filter in the case the input material mesh is a "vtkUnstructuredGrid". Indeed as the output mesh is a vtkUnstructuredGrid the ShallowCopy method is fully functionnal only if the input material mesh has the same type.

This MR handles the case where the output mesh is a vtkUnstructuredGrid but the input is just a vtkDataSet. In this case the shallowCopy method copies the points but not the cells. We do it manually then.

Moreover this MR also handles the case where the output mesh is a vtkPolyData (i.e FillMaterial=Off). In this case the passToOutput is a no op because if the input mesh as no interfaces we can not represent them.

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