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figular v0.0.11 - 2022-09-29


* Support for PNG output from the API and website so users can download in
  format they choose. Webpges default to PNG now as it's got wider support than
  SVG on base OS's e.g. Windows. Breaking change to API.
* Small extra test on our asy cleanse code, no meaningful change though.


* Website: better file names for downloads - based on the example media's name
  from the widget page. So downloading the circle figure gives a file called
* Use a StreamingResponse in the API as suggested by FastAPI for serving
  performant media
* Detect the state where Asy produced no files and give user a 422 status code
  with a custom msg. This can occur where user has entered meaningless
* Our API testing now uses the FastAPI testclient which is much more sane then
  calling path methods directly.


* Orgchart bug fixed where it produced empty graphic even with no valid data