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  • brian m. carlson's avatar
    repository: pre-initialize hash algo pointer · e26f7f19
    brian m. carlson authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    There are various git subcommands (among them, clone) which don't set up
    the repository (that is, they lack RUN_SETUP or RUN_SETUP_GENTLY) but
    end up needing to have information about the hash algorithm in use.
    Because the hash algorithm is part of struct repository and it's only
    initialized in repository setup, we can end up dereferencing a NULL
    pointer in some cases if we call one of these subcommands and look up
    the empty blob or empty tree values.
    A "git clone" of a project that has two paths that differ only in
    case suffers from this if it is run on a case insensitive platform.
    When the command attempts to check out one of these two paths after
    checking out the other one, the checkout codepath needs to see if
    the version that is already on the filesystem (which should not
    happen if the FS were case sensitive) is dirty, and it needs to
    exercise the hashing code at that point.
    In the future, we can add a command line option for this or read it
    from the configuration, but until we're ready to expose that
    functionality to the user, simply initialize the repository
    structure to use the current hash algorithm, SHA-1.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarbrian m. carlson <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>