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  • Jeff King's avatar
    alternates: accept double-quoted paths · cf3c6352
    Jeff King authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    We read lists of alternates from objects/info/alternates
    files (delimited by newline), as well as from the
    (delimited by colon or semi-colon, depending on the
    There's no mechanism for quoting the delimiters, so it's
    impossible to specify an alternate path that contains a
    colon in the environment, or one that contains a newline in
    a file. We've lived with that restriction for ages because
    both alternates and filenames with colons are relatively
    rare, and it's only a problem when the two meet. But since
     (receive-pack: quarantine objects until
    pre-receive accepts, 2016-10-03), which builds on the
    alternates system, every push causes the receiver to set
    It would be convenient to have some way to quote the
    delimiter so that we can represent arbitrary paths.
    The simplest thing would be an escape character before a
    quoted delimiter (e.g., "\:" as a literal colon). But that
    creates a backwards compatibility problem: any path which
    uses that escape character is now broken, and we've just
    shifted the problem. We could choose an unlikely escape
    character (e.g., something from the non-printable ASCII
    range), but that's awkward to use.
    Instead, let's treat names as unquoted unless they begin
    with a double-quote, in which case they are interpreted via
    our usual C-stylke quoting rules. This also breaks
    backwards-compatibility, but in a smaller way: it only
    matters if your file has a double-quote as the very _first_
    character in the path (whereas an escape character is a
    problem anywhere in the path).  It's also consistent with
    many other parts of git, which accept either a bare pathname
    or a double-quoted one, and the sender can choose to quote
    or not as required.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJeff King <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>