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Revise code of conduct and add community moderators policy

Created by: barbaricyawps

Relates to: website-hugo 21

Purpose / why

This PR adds a newly revised code of conduct as well as the community moderators policy document.

What changes were made?

The existing code of conduct was replaced wholesale. This code of conduct was drafted by the GDP code of conduct committee and approved by the GDP community.


The markdown version of these documents should look similar to their draft versions in Google Docs:


Pull-request reviewer should ensure the following

  • Are issues linked correctly?
  • Is this PR labeled correctly?
  • If template updates: do they align with
  • Did the PR receive at least one 👍 and no 👎 from core-maintainers?
  • On merging, did you complete the merge using keywords?
  • On merging, did you add any applicable notes to a draft release and link to this PR?

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