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Adding space on OSIS line break.

Augusto Men requested to merge augustomen/pysword:fix-space-clean into master

This merge request fixes the cleaning of some verses that uses a tag in OSIS that inserts a line break.

For example, the verse Psalms 1:1, which in ESV is:

<title subType="x-preverse" type="section">The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked</title><l sID="x3130"/>Blessed is the man<note n="1" osisID="Ps.1.1!note.1" osisRef="Ps.1.1" type="explanation">The singular Hebrew word for <catchWord><hi type="italic">man</hi></catchWord> (<hi type="italic">ish</hi>) is used here to portray a representative example of a godly person; see preface</note><l eID="x3130" type="x-br"/><l sID="x3131" type="x-indent"/>who <note n="a" osisID="Ps.1.1!crossReference.a" osisRef="Ps.1.1" type="crossReference"><reference osisRef="Prov.4.14-Prov.4.15">Prov. 4:14, 15</reference></note>walks not in <note n="b" osisID="Ps.1.1!crossReference.b" osisRef="Ps.1.1" type="crossReference"><reference osisRef="Job.21.16">Job 21:16</reference></note>the counsel of the wicked,<l eID="x3131" type="x-br"/><l sID="x3132"/>nor stands in <note n="c" osisID="Ps.1.1!crossReference.c" osisRef="Ps.1.1" type="crossReference"><reference osisRef="Prov.1.10">Prov. 1:10</reference></note>the way of sinners,<l eID="x3132" type="x-br"/><l sID="x3133" type="x-indent"/>nor <note n="d" osisID="Ps.1.1!crossReference.d" osisRef="Ps.1.1" type="crossReference"><reference osisRef="Ps.26.4">Ps. 26:4</reference>; <reference osisRef="Jer.15.17">Jer. 15:17</reference></note>sits in <note n="e" osisID="Ps.1.1!crossReference.e" osisRef="Ps.1.1" type="crossReference">[<reference osisRef="Ps.107.32">Ps. 107:32</reference>]</note>the seat of <note n="f" osisID="Ps.1.1!crossReference.f" osisRef="Ps.1.1" type="crossReference"><reference osisRef="Prov.1.22">Prov. 1:22</reference>; <reference osisRef="Prov.3.34">3:34</reference>; <reference osisRef="Prov.19.29">19:29</reference>; <reference osisRef="Prov.21.24">21:24</reference>; <reference osisRef="Prov.29.8">29:8</reference>; [<reference osisRef="Isa.28.14">Isa. 28:14</reference>]</note>scoffers;<l eID="x3133" type="x-br"/>

Currently cleans as:

Blessed is the manwho walks not in the counsel of the wicked,nor stands in the way of sinners,nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

But with this fixes it will clean as:

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

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