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Bump up rustc-bls12-381

Danny Willems requested to merge bump-up-bls into master

This MR is part of the meta issue tezos#1101 (closed) (JavaScript version of Sapling). Please refer to it to see if it does not depend on other MR's first).

Bumping rustc-bls12-381 to 0.8.1. It does add wasm support. It is used by bls12-381.0.4.0 for JS support. The commit must be bc34f9d806d5b94bb0e3158bd01cc5598e83adcb

The code will be updated later to match up dependencies the new librustzcash version requires (group 0.8.0 and ff 0.8.0). Until the new version of librustzcash is ready, we can update tezos-rust-libs with this MR, release the new version of ocaml-bls12-381 in the public opam-repository and update tezos/tezos@js-master.

You can check the bump up is correct by downloading:


The base image for the CI has been changed to It speeds up the CI, but it introduces a new dependency to trust. However, it is fairly simple to reproduce the docker build instructions from ocaml/opam. I am fine with both.

The master branch of ocaml-bls12-381 (see MR dannywillems/ocaml-bls12-381!74 (merged)) uses this branch.

Reviewer @pirbo


  • Provide a branch of tezos running this version of tezos-rust-libs.
Edited by Danny Willems

Merge request reports