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Bump alpine from 3.14 to 3.15

David Dumas requested to merge alpine-3.15 into master

tezos side MR tezos!5306 (closed)


Simplify things installing some apk only once going for <package>-dev directly (does not take much more space)


Use upstream, Alpine 3.15+ now has both shared and static libraries thanks to @abate merge request in Alpine aports.


Upstream apk hidapi-dev of alpine 3.15 or 3.16 does not pack static libraries because they changed from make to cmake to build. We're going to ship the same version 0.11.2 with a custom static package:

Merge request in Alpine aports has been implemented on master and will be probably only available starting Alpine 3.17.


Keep 2.0.8 from Alpine 3.15 upstream to match Debian 11 stable:

Edited by David Dumas

Merge request reports