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CI efficiency, interruptible

Corentin Méhat requested to merge master-patch-bbd8 into master

tezos/pipeline-profiler#13 for better CI efficiency, interruptible by default

Use interruptible jobs which can be auto-canceled if a new pipeline starts.

reference doc (extracts)


Use interruptible if a job should be cancelled when a newer pipeline starts before the job completes.

This keyword has no effect if automatic cancellation of redundant pipelines is disabled. When enabled, a running job with interruptible: true is cancelled when starting a pipeline for a new change on the same branch.

You can’t cancel subsequent jobs after a job with interruptible: false starts.

Additional details:

  • Only set interruptible: true if the job can be safely canceled after it has started, like a build job. Deployment jobs usually shouldn’t be cancelled, to prevent partial deployments.
  • To completely cancel a running pipeline, all jobs must have interruptible: true, or interruptible: false jobs must not have started.


Edited by Corentin Méhat

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