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'dsl' type commands via the interactive command prompt

Mark Nichols requested to merge marklnichols/flextesa:mnichols-dsl-cmds into master

The 'dsl' commands should now work from the interactive prompt:

The most general form: gen dsl (repeat :times 5 (random-choice ((multisig-batch (size = 5) (contract-repeat = 3) (num-signers = 4)) (batch (size = 100)))))

The repeat is optional:

gen dsl (random-choice ((multisig-batch (size = 5) (contract-repeat = 3) (num-signers = 4)) (batch (size = 100))))

And without the 'random-choice', the list of command 'actions' will be executed one-by-one, as in:

gen dsl ((batch (size = 100)) (multisig-batch (size = 5) (contract-repeat = 3) (num-signers = 4)))

Various other combinations should work, e.g. just using repeat with a batch command: gen dsl (repeat :times 5 ((batch (size = 100))))

One issue: some combinations generate the 'counter' error and will need another wait_for_batch at the appropriate place

Integrating the use of this syntax into the mini-net command line will be kept for another PR.

Merge request reports