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new module: archive

Evgeny Fedin requested to merge archive into main

Solves TFT-1963

Example of a pipeline:

❯ poetry run gluetool -o debug \
    archive --rsync-mode=ssh --artifacts-hostname= --artifacts-root=/tmp --source-destination-map=/tmp/source-destination-map.yaml \
    hide-secrets \
    rules-engine \
    testing-farm-request --request-id c5c412ab-8bd4-46cc-a77e-fe9958f12599 \
    ansible \
    static-guest --guest=localhost \
    guest-setup-no-playbooks:guest-setup \
    git \
    coldstore \
    testing-farm-request-state-reporter \
    test-schedule-tmt \
    test-scheduler-testing-farm \
    test-schedule-runner \

[15:34:35] [+] [test-schedule-report] Result of testing: PASSED
[15:34:35] [+] [test-schedule-report] results saved into results.xml
[15:34:35] [+] [test-schedule-report] results saved into results-junit.xml
[15:34:35] [+] [testing-farm-request-state-reporter] pipeline complete
[15:34:35] [W] [hide-secrets] No secrets to hide, all secrets had empty values
efedin@'s password: 
[15:34:51] [+] [archive] syncing debug to
efedin@'s password: 
[15:34:54] [+] Flushing tracing data

❯ ll /tmp/c5c412ab-8bd4-46cc-a77e-fe9958f12599/synced-debug
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 efedin efedin 146K Nov 29 14:05 /tmp/c5c412ab-8bd4-46cc-a77e-fe9958f12599/synced-debug
Edited by Evgeny Fedin

Merge request reports