rosbags fails to load one of my custom messages
- OS: Ubuntu 22.04
- Python 3.10.12
- rosbags installed with
pip install rosbags
- rosbags version 0.10.7
I am porting a tool to load and analyze data from my rosbags to work with ros2.
I got rosbags all set up and, for the most part, it works well, but I have one strange issue. One of the many custom messages I have defined fails to load with rosbags
Loading a rosbag (rosbag_example.bag) with the following code results in an error.
from pathlib import Path
from rosbags.highlevel import AnyReader
from rosbags.typesys import Stores, get_typestore
typestore = get_typestore(Stores.ROS2_HUMBLE) # The rosbag is actually recorded in NOETIC but this dosent seem to make a difference here
bagpath = Path('rosbag_example.bag')
with AnyReader([bagpath], default_typestore=typestore) as reader:
for connection, timestamp, rawdata in reader.messages(connections=reader.connections):
msg = reader.deserialize(rawdata, connection.msgtype)
#do stuff with the msg
For the one message type that this fails on (the topic is anansi/vehicle_velocity_control, msg type is anansi_msgs/NavCmd). I am getting a KeyError in reader.deserialize
this is the message definition (NavCmd.msg):
builtin_interfaces/Time t # Optionally populated w/ an associated ros::Time
std_msgs/Header header
float64[3] velocity_ned
float64[3] accel_ned
float64 yaw_rate
When it loads the data from this topic, for some reason, it thinks that the message type for header is anansi_msgs/msg/Header
rather than std_msgs/msg/Header
(anansi_msgs is the package where the NavCmd message type is defined) so when it tries to parse the message, it fails to find the anansi_msgs/msg/Header
because it doesn't exist.
I have several custom message types defined within anansi_msgs and none of the other ones have any problems. I did some testing and found that the problem with this message type is that header
is the second entry in the msg file rather than the first. If I switch it to the first, then it seems like it is able to load fine.
The problem is, changing the message definition isn't a full solution because I need this tool to be able to read logs that already exist. So I am stuck with how it is defined.
Any idea why it is hallucinating the anansi_msgs/msg/Header
message type and how to work around or avoid that problem?
I would love to use this tool, but if it can't read this message type I don't know if I will be able to.
If it helps, here is the full python error I am getting:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-15845f67462f> in <module>
3 with AnyReader([bagpath], default_typestore=typestore) as reader:
4 for connection, timestamp, rawdata in reader.messages(connections=reader.connections):
----> 5 msg = reader.deserialize(rawdata, connection.msgtype)
6 print(connection.topic)
~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rosbags/highlevel/ in deserialize(self, rawdata, typ)
105 def deserialize(self, rawdata: bytes, typ: str) -> object:
106 """Deserialize message with appropriate helper."""
--> 107 return self._deser_ros2(rawdata, typ) if self.is2 else self._deser_ros1(rawdata, typ)
109 def open(self) -> None:
~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rosbags/highlevel/ in _deser_ros1(self, rawdata, typ)
97 def _deser_ros1(self, rawdata: bytes, typ: str) -> object:
98 """Deserialize ROS1 message."""
---> 99 return self.typestore.deserialize_ros1(rawdata, typ)
101 def _deser_ros2(self, rawdata: bytes, typ: str) -> object:
~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rosbags/typesys/ in deserialize_ros1(self, rawdata, typename)
181 """
--> 182 msgdef = self.get_msgdef(typename)
183 func = msgdef.deserialize_ros1
184 message, pos = func(rawdata, 0, msgdef.cls, self)
~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rosbags/typesys/ in get_msgdef(self, typename)
313 entries = self.fielddefs[typename][1]
--> 315 getsize_cdr, size_cdr = generate_getsize_cdr(entries, self)
316 getsize_ros1, size_ros1 = generate_getsize_ros1(entries, self)
~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rosbags/serde/ in generate_getsize_cdr(fields, typestore)
172 is_stat = False
--> 174 if fnext and aligned < (anext_before := align(fnext[1], typestore)):
175 lines.append(f' pos = (pos + {anext_before} - 1) & -{anext_before}')
176 aligned = anext_before
~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rosbags/serde/ in align(entry, typestore)
54 return SIZEMAP[entry[1][0]]
55 if entry[0] == Nodetype.NAME:
---> 56 return align(typestore.get_msgdef(entry[1]).fields[0][1], typestore)
57 if entry[0] == Nodetype.ARRAY:
58 return align(entry[1][0], typestore)
~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rosbags/typesys/ in get_msgdef(self, typename)
311 """
312 if typename not in self.cache:
--> 313 entries = self.fielddefs[typename][1]
315 getsize_cdr, size_cdr = generate_getsize_cdr(entries, self)
KeyError: 'anansi_msgs/msg/Header'