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    Make It Happen

    This Package is Only For The T-Pay Application

    T-Pay API is REST-API that makes it easy for one to make request to the T-Pay Payment Gateway for his/her App.

    Help and docs


    The recommended way to install tpay-client-api is through Composer.

    # Install package via composer
    composer require tecksolke-tpay/client-api

    Next, run the Composer command to install the latest stable version of tpay/client-api:

    # Update package via composer
     composer update tecksolke-tpay/client-api --lock

    After installing, the package will be auto discovered, But if need you may run:

    # run for auto discovery <-- If the package is not detected automatically -->
    composer dump-autoload

    Then run this, to get the config/tpay.php for api configurations:

    # run this to get the configuartion file at config/tpay.php <-- read through it -->
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TPay\Client\API\TPayClientServiceProvider"

    You will have to provide this in the .env for the api configurations:

    # TP4*****82F <-- keep this key secret -->
    # <-- keep this code secret -->
    # 60 <-- The access token session lifetime is in minutes i.e 60 minutes --> ->default(58 minutes);
    # 120 <-- Response timeout 120 seconds -->
    # This is not a must you may choose to use the dafault value defined in the config/tpay.php;
    # 60 <-- Connection timeout 60 seconds -->
    # This is not a must you may choose to use the dafault value defined in the config/tpay.php;


    Follow the steps below on how to use the api:

    How to use the API

    This how the api will be accessed via this package...

         * --------------------------
         * This Api are for all apps
         * --------------------------
         * ---------------------------------
         *  Test for requesting app balance
         * ---------------------------------
         * @throws Exception
        public function appBalance() {
            try {
                //Set request options as shown here
                $options = [
                    'secretCode' => '',//This has to be your app T_PAY_APP_SECRET_CODE
                //make request here
                $response = AppBalances::appBalances($options);
                //continue with what you what to do with the $response here
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                //TODO If an exception occurs
         * ------------------------------------
         * Making app stk push request for c2b
         * ------------------------------------
        public function appC2BSTKPush() {
            try {
                //Set request options as shown here
                $options = [
                    'secretCode' => '',//This has to be your app T_PAY_APP_SECRET_CODE
                    'phoneNumber' => '',//The phone number has to be 2547xxxxxxx
                    'referenceCode' => '',//The secret code should be unique in every request you send and must start with TPXXXX
                    'amount' => 1,//Amount has to be an integer and less than or equal to KES 70000
                    'resultURL' => '',//This has to be your callback i.e https://mydomain/callback or http://mydomain/callback
                //make the c2b stk push here
                $response = AppC2BSTKPush::appC2BSTKPush($options);
                //continue with what you what to do with the $response here
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                //TODO If an exception occurs
         * ------------------------------------
         * Making app withdraw request for b2c
         * ------------------------------------
        public function appB2C() {
            try {
                //Set request options as shown here
                $options = [
                    'secretCode' => '',//This has to be your app T_PAY_APP_SECRET_CODE
                    'phoneNumber' => '',//The phone number has to be 2547xxxxxxx
                    'referenceCode' => '',//The secret code should be unique in every request you send and must start with TPXXXX
                    'amount' => 1,//Amount has to be an integer and has to be greater than KES 10
                    'resultURL' => '',//This has to be your callback i.e https://mydomain/callback or http://mydomain/callback
                //make the b2c withdraw here
                $response = AppB2C::appB2C($options);
                //continue with what you what to do with the $response here
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                //TODO If an exception occurs
         * --------------------------
         * This Api is for only t-pay app
         * --------------------------
         * -------------------
         * Account transfers
         * -------------------
         * This api is used for transferring funds from
         * one account to the other tha is
         * basic/single/merchant
        public function accountTransfers() {
            try {
                $options = [
                    'secretCode' => '',//The app secret code
                    'accountNumberTo' => '',//This is the account to basic/single/merchant
                    'accountNumberFrom' => '',//This is the account from basic/single/merchant
                    'referenceCode' => '',//Unique referenceCode i.e TPXXXXX
                    'amount' => '',//Amount i.e 10
                //end the request here
                $response = AppAccountTransfers::appAccountTransfers($options);
                //continue with what you what to do with the response here
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                //TODO If an exception occurs
         * ------------------------
         * Send Money Here
         * -----------------------
         * Process send money too
         * different accounts
        public function sendMoney() {
            try {
                $options = [
                    'secretCode' => '',//The app secret code
                    'accountNumberTo' => '',//This is the account to basic/single/merchant
                    'accountNumberFrom' => '',//This is the account from basic/single/merchant
                    'referenceCode' => '',//Unique referenceCode i.e TPXXXXX
                    'amount' => '',//Amount i.e 10
                //send money here
                $response = SendMoney::sendMoney($options);
                //continue with what you what to do with the response here
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                //TODO If an exception occurs
         * -------------------------
         * Fund Client Here
         * -------------------------
         * Process client funding to either
         * Basic/Single/Merchant Account
        public function fundApp() {
            try {
                $options = [
                    'secretCode' => '',//The app secret code
                    'app_key' => '',//The app key for the app receiving the money
                    'accountNumber' => '',//This is the account from basic/single/merchant
                    'referenceCode' => '',//Unique referenceCode i.e TPXXXXX
                    'amount' => '',//Amount i.e 10
                //send request here
                $response = FundApp::fundApp($options);
                //continue with what you what to do with the response here
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                //TODO If an exception occurs
         * ------------------
         * Fund client Here
         * -----------------
         * Process client funding for both
         * Basic/Single/Merchant account
        public function fundClient() {
            try {
                $options = [
                    'secretCode' => '',//The app secret code
                    'accountNumber' => '',//This is the account from basic/single/merchant
                    'referenceCode' => '',//Unique referenceCode i.e TPXXXXX
                    'amount' => '',//Amount i.e 10
                //process the client funding here
                $response = FundClient::fundClient($options);
                //continue with what you what to do with the response here
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                //TODO If an exception occurs
         * --------------
         * App Transfers
         * --------------
        public function appAccountTransfers() {
            try {
                $options = [
                    'secretCode' => '',//The app secret code
                    'app_key' => '',//App key for app performing transfers
                    'accountNumber' => '',//Merchant account for the owner of the app
                    'appAccountIdentifierFrom' => '',//Can be only from app balance or c2b_balance
                    'appAccountIdentifierTo' => '',//Can only be b2c_balance of the app
                    'referenceCode' => '',//Unique referenceCode i.e TPXXXXX
                    'amount' => '',//Amount i.e 10
                //send request
                $response = AppAccountTransfers::appAccountTransfers($options);
                //continue with what you what to do with the response here
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                //TODO If an exception occurs
         * -----------------
         * App to Merchant
         * -----------------
         * Process app to merchant here
        public function appToMerchant() {
            try {
                $options = [
                    'secretCode' => '',//The app secret code
                    'app_key' => '',//App key for app performing transfers
                    'accountNumber' => '',//The client account receiving the funds from the app
                    'appAccountIdentifier' => '',//App balance or c2b_balance
                    'referenceCode' => '',//Unique referenceCode i.e TPXXXXX
                    'amount' => '',//Amount i.e 10
                //send request here
                $response = AppToMerchant::appToMerchant($options);
                //continue with what you what to do with the response here
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                //TODO If an exception occurs
         * -----------------
         * MMF Transfers
         * -----------------
         * Move all request for b2c apps to
         * mmf account for m-pesa here
        public function mmfTransfers() {
            try {
                $options = [
                    'secretCode' => '',//The app secret code
                    'MMF_ID' => '',//This MMF_ID has to be the one that has not been moved yet
                //process mmf
                $response = MMFTransfers::mmfTransfers($options);
                //continue with what you what to do with the response here
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                //TODO If an exception occurs
             * ------------------
             * Express Payment Page
             * -----------------
             * This is used to directly get payment from
             * a client account to your application
            public function expressPaymentPage() {
                try {
                    $options = [
                        'referenceCode' => '',//Unique referenceCode i.e TPXXXXX
                        'redirectURL' => '',//This is the URL that the user will be redirect after payment
                        'resultURL' => '',//This is the url that will receive the response data after successful payment
                        'amount' => 1,//amount to be paid 
                    //make the request here
                    $response = ExpressPayment::expressPaymentPage($options);
                    //proceed with the response
                } catch (Exception $exception) {
                    //TODO If an exception occurs
                 * ------------------
                 * Express Payment
                 * -----------------
                 * This is used to directly get payment from
                 * a client account to your application
                public function expressPayment() {
                    try {
                        $options = [
                            'secretCode' => '',//The app secret code
                            'accountNumber' => '',//The client account making the payment via express payment
                            'referenceCode' => '',//Unique referenceCode i.e TPXXXXX
                            'redirectURL' => '',//This is the URL that the user will be redirect after payment
                            'resultURL' => '',//This is the url that will receive the response data after successful payment
                            'amount' => 1,//amount to be paid
                        //make the request here
                        $response = ExpressPayment::expressPayment($options);
                        //proceed with the response
                    } catch (Exception $exception) {
                        //TODO If an exception occurs

    Version Guidance

    Version Status Packagist Namespace Repo
    1.x Latest tecksolke-tpay/client-api TPay\Client\API v1.5.5

    Security Vulnerabilities

    For any security vulnerabilities, please email to TecksolKE.


    This package is open-source API licensed under the MIT license.