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  • TechAnon's avatar
    Version bump 3.0.0-beta.12. · f2d51d69
    TechAnon authored
    Add help urls to package.json.
    Rename to and update contents.
    Hide "Conected to Other TVs" section when length of found plugins is 0.
    Add support for _Test material name prefix to prevent auto-removal for checking raw material output.
    Rename editor DrawCoreReferences method to DrawTVReferences, same with the SetupTVReferences method.
    Update copyright year.
    Remove unused animations.
    Move promotional models prefabs from Resources to Samples.
    Update Monochrome prefabs to have color transition states.
    Add parallax poster for branding promotion.
    Fix  default standby texture being shown for audio-only livestreams instead of the sound-only texture.
    Mitigation for android phones having issues with MIPS when ANSIO is active.
    Fix rare scenario where a VPManager would draw to the wrong material.
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