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Qwheeledit hide of edition widget and returnPressed forwarding

Michael requested to merge github/fork/synchrotron-solaris/qwheeledit into develop

Our scientist asked for few things in the TaurusWheelEdit:

  1. Values should be applied not only with an enter, but also with a custom button.
  2. When edition widget is shown, it should not disappear on focusOut.
  3. Accepting value from the edition widget should also write an attribute.

To achieve this I had to change the way the edition widget is hide in qwheel module. First of all variable _editing is set in method hiding and showing editing widget now, because earlier there were some cases, where this variable didn't changed properly (edition widget was hidden but _editing was set to True) and I didn't want to change it in the application, as it is supposed to be private. I think it should be now more consistent.

3rd point: I make this with emitting QWheelEdit.returnPressed when edition widget's returnPressed is emitted.

2nd and 3rd points are disabled by default.

In the application I made a button connected to 3 methods

    set_button = QtGui.QPushButton()


Can you tell me if this approach is ok? Anyway, if anyone will find this useful and it's ok, feel free to merge it.

Merge request reports