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Load settings from ini files

Carlos Pascual requested to merge c-p/taurus:fix-1181 into develop

Allow loading settings from ini files. The taurus.tauruscustomsettings remains the main interface for accessing and setting configurations, but its members can now be modified from system and user ini files.

  • Implement tauruscustomsettings.load_configs() to load configs from system-wide and user-specific files.
  • Add tauruscustomsettings.SYSTEM_CFG_FILE (location of system-wide config file)
  • Add tauruscustomsettings.USER_CFG_FILE (location of user-specific config file)
  • Add the --settings option to the taurus CLI command to pass additional settings file(s) to be loaded

The SYSTEM_CFG_FILE and USER_CFG_FILE variables are set with platform dependent values:

  • on posix systems we follow the xdg standard: /etc/xdg/taurus/taurus.ini and ~/.config/taurus/taurus.ini
  • on windows machines we use %PROGRAMDATA%\taurus\taurus.ini and %APPDATA%\taurus\taurus.ini)

The load_configs() function can be called at any point to load other configuration files (overwriting existing config keys in case of conflict).

The ini files are of the form:

FOO = "bar"
BAR = [1, 2, 3]
baz = False

The keys are then exposed as tauruscustomsettings variables and their values are interpreted as python literals (e.g. tauruscustomsettings.BAR would be a list in the above example.

Closes #1181 (closed)

Edited by Carlos Pascual

Merge request reports