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  1. Sep 14, 2023
  2. Jun 17, 2023
    • Jamie Tanna's avatar
      Refactor EOL processing to use `table-joiner` · 56cd9f89
      Jamie Tanna authored
      Now we have `table-joiner`, we can tweak how `endoflifedate`
      functionality works to reduce unnecessary duplication in the table
      generation, similar to `osvdev`, by creating a multi-join-able table.
      This requires a refactor of the existing table schema for
      end-of-life data, which is a breaking change.
      We can also simplify the query by looking at distinct packages across
      the projects, instead of retrieving everything, which in a larger
      database, resulted in 1/5 the size of queried rows.
      To make the `JOIN` work, we need a slightly more complex `inner join`,
      which makes sure to handle the (newly added) `current_version` field, as
      it may be NULL.
  3. Mar 04, 2023
  4. Feb 21, 2023
    • Jamie Tanna's avatar
      Migrate datasources to their own sub-package · 8316c35d
      Jamie Tanna authored
      To simplify onboarding and the structure, rather than having a lot of
      top-level packages we can put them under `datasources`.
      This also refactors the `db init` command to use a consistent interface
      for creation of tables, rather than it being done in the command itself.
  5. Feb 20, 2023
  6. Feb 16, 2023
    • Jamie Tanna's avatar
      Add `dmd db init` and `dmd import renovate` commands · bede96df
      Jamie Tanna authored
      As part of the longer piece of work to introduce a suite of tools for
      managing dependency-management-data, we're starting with the commands to
      bootstrap a DMD SQLite database.
      This mirrors the `filter.rb` from renovate-graph with some additional
      data points we've found useful at Deliveroo.
      We use sqlc to make it nicer to interact with our database in a strongly
      typed fashion.
      As it doesn't support migrations - and we're not yet at the point we need
      migrations - we can simply just run the `CREATE ...` steps.
      Closes #2