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  • Jamie Tanna's avatar
    Add a `dependenton` report · 400b1393
    Jamie Tanna authored
    As a step towards a required query for GraphQL implementation in #151 as
    well as being a useful check anyway, we can introduce a common report
    for listing the usage of a given package, and optionally at a specific
    This implements this as both a CLI and web-driven report. To make it
    easier to use on the web, we can introduce a form to make it easier to
    set the values.
    There's a little bit of awkwardness with trying to query `version` and
    `current_version` as part of the same query as not being present, where
    we end up with an empty set of results. For now we can split this into a
    separate query, and follow-up in #324.
    This also proves a new model for performing `union`'d queries for
    reports, rather than implementing an interface in each datasource.